Kirsten Lupinski
Dr. Kirsten Lupinski has been working in college health for the past 16 years. Kirsten is CHES (Certified Health Education Specialist) certified a member of AAHPERD/SHAPE America and has worked as a full-time professor, researcher, and community health educator. Kirsten received her Ed.D. in Educational Foundations/Health Education at the University of Cincinnati in August 2003. She received a M.S. in Health Education from the University of Kentucky and a B.S. from the University of North Carolina in Public Health/Nutrition. She started as a contributing faculty member in the School of Health Sciences at Walden University in December 2014. She had done extensive research, presentations and written publications in the area of body image and eating disorders, school-age children and academic success and other health factors affecting college age students. Her research interests include women’s health, college health and school age health and nutrition.
Courses Taught
PUBH 4900 - Capstone in Public Health
HLTH 1000 - Concepts of Health Promotion
PUBH 1000 - Introduction to Public Health
EdD, University of Cincinnati
MS, University of Kentucky
BS, University of North Carolina
Public Service
American Heart Association, Heart At Work Task Force, Committee Member - Cincinnati
Coalition for A Drug Free Greater Cincinnati, Underage Drinking Task Force and Community Task Force, Committee Member - Cincinnati
Girls on the Run Advisory Council Member, Committee Member - Cincinnati
Southwest Ohio Tobacco Free Committee, Committee Member - Cincinnati
Lupinski, K. (2016). A Comparison of Program Methods to Increase Elementary Teachers’ Wellness Knowledge; Web Based and Face-to-Face. Journal of Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship
Lupinski, K. (2014). K-8 Standardized Test Scores: Does Gender Impact Test Scores? . International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
Lupinski, K. (2016). K-8 Standardized Test Scores: How a School’s Racial Makeup Impacts Scores. Journal of Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship
Lupinski, K. (2012). Reflective Practice in Teacher Education. Journal of Educational Foundations
Lupinski, K. (2013). Teacher Candidates beliefs on how health factors can affect a student’s academic performance. Journal of Teaching, Learning, and Research in Educational Leadership.
Lupinski, K. (2016). Who Cares about Teacher’s Health and Wellness? Unhealthy Teachers = Failing School Systems. Journal of Teaching, Learning, and Research in Educational Leadership
Lupinski, K. G. (2000). Alcohol and Tobacco Awareness: Why Do Students Do It?. National Conference on Student Services
Lupinski, K. G. (2011). Activities for Teaching Georgia Health Education. GAPHERD
Lupinski, K. G. (2000). Alcohol Education and Skill Building Program . US Department of Education’s Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Conference
Lupinski, K. G. (2002). Alcohol Initiatives at the University of Cincinnati. Ohio Police Chief Conference
Lupinski, K. (1999). Alcohol Issues on College Campuses. National Conference on Student Services
Lupinski, K. G., Arnsperger, R. (2002). Body Image Activities for Clients and Programs, 3 hour seminar. National Eating Disorders Conference
Lupinski, K. G., Sanderson, S. (2012). Body Image Dissatisfaction: A Comparison of College Women at a Historically Black College and University and a Predominately White College. GAPHERD
Lupinski, K. G. (2002). Body Image Issues Facing High School Students. Illinois Math and Science Institute,
Lupinski, K. G., Sanderson, S. (2012). College Women's Body Image: Comparing HBCU and PWI. AAPHERD
Lupinski, K. (1999). Creating and Implementing a Tobacco Media Campaign on a College Campus. Bacchus and Gamma
Lupinski, K. G. (2011). Creating and Teaching Online Courses. GAPHERD
Lupinski, K. G. (2003). Cultural Differences in Body Image. Tristate Graduate Research Conference
Lupinski, K. (1999). Eating Disorder or Disordered Eating. Bacchus and Gamma
Lupinski, K. G. (2001). Disordered Eating or Eating Disorder: Discover the Difference. National Eating Disorder Conference
Lupinski, K. (1999). Eating Disorder or Disordered Eating. National Conference of Student Services
Lupinski, K. G. (2000). Eating Disorders on College Campuses: They Aren't Going Away. National Conference of Student Services
Lupinski, K. G. (2002). Health Education Hot Topics. American College Health Association
Lupinski, K. (1998). High Risk Drinking at the University of Cincinnati. Ohio Prevention Coalition
Lupinski, K. G. (2003). Hot Topics in Health Education and Promotion. American College Health Association
Armstrong, S. N., Howard, K. J., Lupinski, K. G., Kaufman, M. (2017). Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the Virtual World: A Win-Win-Win-Win. Online Learning Consortium
Armstrong, S. N., Howard, K. J., Lupinski, K. G. (2018). Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the Virtual World: A Win-Win-Win-Win. Walden University
Lupinski, K. G. (2000). Part II: Tobacco Media Campaign. Bacchus and Gamma
Lupinski, K. G. (2002). Stress Management for the Professional. Cincinnati Mental Health Association
Armstrong, S. N., Howard, K. J., Lupinski, K. G., Kaufman, M. (2017). Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the Virtual World: A Win-Win-Win-Win. Online Learning Consortium
Lupinski, K. (2000). The Professional is Personal: Discovering, Connecting and Making Peace with your Body Image. National Eating Disorders Conference