Kim Mason

Core Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Dr. Kimberly Mason, PhD, LPC-S, is a distinguished counselor educator and supervisor with over 21 years in teaching and supervision within higher education. As a core faculty member in the Clinical Mental Health program at Walden University, she specializes in bullying and cyberbullying, counselor education and supervision, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and trauma. An accomplished author, Dr. Mason has published books and articles on bullying and cyberbullying and is currently researching digital harassment, social equity, supervision, and the professional identity of counselors. She is a frequent presenter at international, national, and state professional counseling conferences. A community leader dedicated to social change, Dr. Mason collaborates with school districts, law enforcement, governmental agencies, and community mental health centers in her areas of expertise. She is the 2024 recipient of the Louisiana Counselor Educator of the Year award, given by the Louisiana Association of Counselor Education and Supervision. Dr. Mason also maintains a private practice, where she works with diverse populations on a range of issues, including mental health, trauma, relationships, addiction, spirituality, and interpersonal challenges. Dr. Mason is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Board Approved Supervisor, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Level-1 Certified, TeleMental Health Training Certified, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Certified, Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools Certification, Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Counselor Certified, iSafe and NetSmartz Internet Safety Certification, and Conflict Mediation Certification.

Courses Taught

COUN 6722/6301S - Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories

CPLB 601L - CMHC, PrePracticum 1

CPLB 602L - CMHC, PrePracticum 2

COUN 6671 - Practicum in Counseling

COUN 6682A - Internship I

COUN 6682B - Internship II

COUN/HUMN 8560/9001 - Dissertation

SPLB 671L - MSCO Pre-Practicum 1

SPLB 672L - MSCO Pre-Practicum 2

COUN 6316/6302S - Techniques of Counseling

COUN 6730 - Addictions Counseling

COUN 6743 - Psychopharmacology

COUN 6326 - Research and Program Evaluation

GRWP 6100 - Group Lab in Counseling

RESI 6601 - Residency 1

RESI 6601 - Residency 2


PhD, University of New Orleans

MEd, University of New Orleans

Public Service

Children's Advocacy Center, Hope House, Other - Covington

Louisiana State University Shreveport and Caddo Parish Schools , - Shreveport

Archdiocese of New Orleans, - New Orleans

Louisiana Safe & Drug-Free Schools Consortium, - Baton Rouge

Families Helping Families, Other - Covington

Awards / Honors

Louisiana Counselor Educator of the Year, Louisiana Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, 2024

Helping Hands Award for Mentorship, School of Counseling, Walden University , 2022

Louisiana Counseling Association Excellence Award, Louisiana Counseling Association, 2010

Outstanding Role Model Award, University of New Orleans, 2003

Outstanding Master's Student Award, University of New Orleans, 1997

Recognition for 4.0 GPA in Doctoral Counseling Pro, University of New Orleans, 2003

Recognition for 4.0 GPA in Master's Counseling Pro, University of New Orleans, 1997

Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society in Counseling, University of New Orleans, 1997

Kappa Delta Phi International Honor Society in Education, University of New Orleans, 1997

Alpha Theta Epsilon Honor Society, University of New Olreans, 1993


Mason, K. L. (2013). Bullying no more: Understanding and preventing bullying.

Mason, K. L. (2013). Choice reality play therapy for children involved in bullying.

Perera-Diltz, D., Mason, K. L. (2011). A national survey of school counselor supervision practices: Administrative, clinical, peer, and technology mediated supervision. Journal of School Counseling

Perera-Diltz, D., Moe, J., Mason, K. L. (2011). An exploratory study in school counselor consultation engagement.. Journal of School Counseling

Mason, K. L., Perera-Diltz, D. (2010). Factors that influence pre-service administrators’ views of appropriate school counselor duties. . Journal of School Counseling

Perera-Diltz, D., Mason, K. L. (2010). An exploration of accountability practices of school counselors: A national study. Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research

Mason, K. (2009). Work and Life.

Mason, K. L. (2008). Cyberbullying: A preliminary assessment for school personnel. Psychology in the Schools

Perera-Diltz, D., Mason, K. L. (2008). Ideal to real: Duties performed by school counselors. Journal of School Counseling

Huang, G., Mason, K. (2008). Motivation of parental involvement in children’s learning: Voices from urban African American families of preschoolers. Multicultural Education

Mason, K. L. (2007). Ohio Department of Education, Anti-Harassment, Anti-Intimidation, or Anti-Bullying Model Policy per House Bill 276.

Mason, K. L. (2007). Building buddies, not bullies program.

Mason, K. L. (2007). Cyberbullying: Bullying in a technological world.

Mason, K. L. (2006). Bullying: A resource toolbox for school administrators.

Mason, K. L. (2006). Critical incidents in school counseling: Instruction and enhancing student learning outcomes in school.

MacCluskie, K., Mason, K. L. (2005). Microskills in counseling DVD.


Mason, K. (2024). Qualities for Effective Supervision: Enhancing the Supervisory Relationship. Louisiana Counseling Association

Mason, K. (2024). Cultivating compassionate minds through creating inclusive communities. . Ursuline Academy

Mason, K. (2024). Bully no more: Spreading kindness, gaining respect. Ursuline Academy

Mason, K. (2024). Be a buddy: Not a bully. Ursuline Academy

Mason, K. (2023). Infusing a social justice ethical decision-making model in field courses. Louisiana Counseling Association

Ambrose, H. J., Jenkins, C., Mason, K. (2023). Beyond the Ethics Course: Infusing Professional Identity and Development Throughout the Curriculum – Part 2.. University of the Holy Cross

Falkner, J., Jenkins, C., Mason, K. (2022). Unpacking unintentional bias in counseling LGBTGEQIAP clients. University of Holy Cross

Mason, K., Jenkins, C., Falkner, J. (2021). A Social Justice Approach to Promoting Inclusive LGBTQIA+ Learning Environment in the Online Classroom. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision

Mason, K., Falkner, J., Jenkins, C. (2020). The Ethics of Conversion Therapy: Why it is never a good idea.

Mason, K. (2019). Bullying and the Emotional Mind: Utilizing Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills to Foster Resiliency.

Mason, K. (2019). Bullying in a Global Society: Cultivating Healthy Relationships Using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.

Mason, K. (2018). Strategies for cultivating compassionate minds to reduce bullying and build resilience. .

Mason, K., McDermott, C. (2015). Cultivating Compassionate Minds through Social-Emotional and Relational Literacy. Louisiana Counseling Association

Mason, K. L. (2017). Digital self-harm: Understanding experiential avoidance and coping functions among adolescents. Louisiana Counseling Association

Mason, K. (2012). Bullying in schools: Are service clubs an answer? .

Mason, K. (2019). Bullying no more: Building buddies, not bullies. Ursuline Academy

Mason, K., Russell, N., Henson, J. (2015). Cohesion through compassion: Using culturally responsive pedagogy to create welcoming and inclusive learning environments. . Association for Counselor Education and Supervision

Mason, K. (2016). Bullying and the Emotional Mind: Teaching DBT Skills to Foster Resiliency. . Louisiana Counseling Association

Mason, K. L. (2013). Bullying no more: Protecting kids from bullying and high tech troubles. Christ Episcopal School

Mason, K. (2016). Strategies for Cultivating Youth’s Emotional Mind to Reduce Bullying and Build Resilience.

Mason, K., McDermott, C. (2015). Cultivating Compassionate Minds through Social-Emotional and Relational Literacy. Louisiana Counseling Association

Mason, K. (2014). No Place for Hate! Empowering Youth To Stomp Out Bullying and Cyberbullying.

Mason, K. (2013). Tackling Bullying Behaviors in the School: A School-Based Restorative Practice Model to Restore Relationships and Build Community.

Mason, K. (2013). Bullying, harassment, and suicide: Tackling the 3 R's of recognizing, reporting and responding.

Mason, K., Mason, K. (2012). Tackling Bullying Behaviors in the School: Restoring Relationships.

Mason, K., Varnado-Johnson, C., Mitchel, A., Byrnes, E. (2012). Putting the "professional" in professional school counseling.

Mason, K. (2012). Combating bullying: Creating a safe school climate where every child can learn.

Mason, K. (2012). Bullying in schools: Are service clubs an answer? .

Mason, K. (2012). Tackling bullying behaviors, building resilience, and teaching youth prosocial behaviors.

Mason, K., Varnado-Johnson, C., Trogden, A. (2011). Reality focused group supervision: A model for supervisors of counselors-in-training and practitioners.

Mason, K. (2009). Growing up online: An alternative avenue for adolescent self-discovery.

Mason, K. (2011). Bullying and cyberbullying: Addressing the problem and intervening appropriately.

Mason, K. (2008). Cyberbullying and cyber-threats: Bullying in a technological world.

Mason, K. (2008). Cyberbullying? Sexting? understanding and managing today's Internet challenges.

Mason, K. L., Varnado‑Johnson, C., Randolph-Alvarez, T. (2011). Advocacy and career development for high poverty populations.

Mason, K. (2011). Cybertechnology and cyberbullying. Southern University of New Orleans

Mason, K. (2010). Cyberbullying? Sexting? Understanding and managing today's Internet challenges.

Marino, R., Mason, K. (2010). School counselor identity confusion: The potential dilemmas of supervising school counseling students.

Mason, K., Pitre, L. (2009). Perceived expectations of beginning doctoral students related to supervision.

Mason, K., Tanaka, H. (2009). Fostering diversity in the classroom: Strategies to culturally responsive teachers and instruction.

Bonnett, H., Mason, K., Welfel, E. (2008). Practitioner practices in treating bullying and relational aggression Targets.

Mason, K. (2011). Growing up online: An alternative avenue for adolescent self-discovery.

Huang, G., Mason, K. (2008). Motivation of parental involvement in children's learning: Voices from urban African American families of preschoolers.

Mason, K. (2007). Internet and technology awareness: Keeping kids safe on the Internet.

Mason, K. (2009). Conflict resolution education: Integrating strategies through classroom guidance.

Mason, K. (2008). Cyberbullying and cyber-threats: Bullying in a technological world.

Mason, K. (2008). Cyberbullying and cyber-threats: Bullying in a technological world.