Kimberlee Bonura

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Psychology

Dr. Kimberlee Bethany Bonura is a fitness and wellness educator. Dr. Bonura promotes health and exercise behaviors within a framework of evidence-based recommendations and realistic changes that are fun and manageable to implement. As an exercise scientist and faculty mentor, Dr. Bonura’s primary research areas include the psychological benefits of mindfulness practices, exercise for special populations, and strategies that facilitate health behaviors. As a practitioner, Dr. Bonura has over two decades of applied experience as a yoga and mindfulness instructor, personal trainer, and group fitness instructor. Dr. Bonura has over a decade of higher education experience as a faculty member and university administrator.


PhD, Florida State University

MFA, University of Texas - El Paso

Awards / Honors

2008 American Psychological Association Division 47 (Sport and Exercise Psychology) Dissertation Award, American Psychological Association Division 47, 2008

2008 Association for Applied Sport Psychology Dissertation Award, Association for Applied Sport Psychology , 2008

University Fellowship , Florida State University , 2003


Bonura, K. (2016). Aging with health and happiness: Translating science into practice, intervention, and everyday life.. PsycCRITIQUES

Wedding, D., Bonura, K. (2015). Are you tough enough?. PsycCRITIQUES

Bonura, K. (2013). Capturing what matters: measurement theory in yoga research.. International journal of yoga therapy

(2014). Effects of Yoga on Psychological Health in Older Adults. Journal of Physical Activity and Health

Wedding, D., Bonura, K. (2017). Gentle into that good night: A compassionate framework of dementia and dying.. PsycCRITIQUES

Wedding, D., Bonura, K. (2017). Listen to your body: Mindfulness practices as bodily wisdom.. PsycCRITIQUES

Bonura, K., Lovald, N. (2015). Military Cultural Competency: Understanding How to Serve Those Who Serve. Higher Learning Research Communications

Kruse, B., Bonura, K., James, S. G., Potler, S. (2013). Share Your Voice: Online Community Building During Reaffirmation of Accreditation. Higher Learning Research Communications

Wedding, D., Bonura, K. (2016). Simple but not easy: Mindfulness practices for psychological freedom.. PsycCRITIQUES

Bonura, K. (2011). The psychological benefits of yoga practice for older adults: evidence and guidelines.. International journal of yoga therapy


Bonura, K., Bedford, L. A. (2017). All Work and No Results: The Limits of Synchronous Activity in the Asynchronous Learning Environment. . Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education

Bonura, K., Spadaro, N., Thornton, R. (2016). Family Wellness through Mindfulness: Creative Strategies for Meditation and Martial Arts Education.

Spadaro, N. I., Bonura, K. B., Thornton, R. W. (2017). Om at Home: Adler style kung-fu: Getting a kick out of mental health. American Psychological Association