Kenneth Levitt
Dr. Levitt has twenty-five years of university level teaching experience in the areas of leadership, organizational behavior and human resource management. During this time, he has served on the board of directors of several non-profit organizations. He has delivered numerous professional presentations and has published articles in scholarly journals related to industrial and organizational psychology. He has previously worked as a consultant for The Gallup Organization, and The WorkPlace Group, and currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Pocono Medical Center. In addition to teaching for Walden, Dr. Levitt conducts leadership skills workshops, and provides consultation to business on various issues related to human resource management.
Courses Taught
MGMT 8100 - Dissertation Mentoring
MGMT 9000 - Doctoral Dissertation
PhD, Stevens Institute of Technology
MA, Fairleigh Dickinson University
BS, State University of New York at Oneonta
Public Service
, Board of Directors - East Stroudsburg
Levitt, K. J. (2017). From Engagement to Commitment: A New Perspective on the Employee Attitude–Firm Performance Relationship. International Leadership Journal
Levitt, K. J. (2017). Emotional intelligence and positive organizational leadership. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management
Levitt, K. J. (2015). Moderating effects of cultural values on the relationship between personality and job performance. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
, Levitt, K. J. (2014). The Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership. What Do We Really Know?. International Leadership Journal
Levitt, K. J. (2008). Corporate Downsizing: An Examination of the Survivors. The Journal of Global Business Issues
Levitt, K. J. (2010). Manager vs. Employee Perceptions of Adaptability and Work Performance.. The Business Renaissance Quarterly
Levitt, K. J. (2016). "The Relation between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership. Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management
Levitt, K.,., Levitt, K. J. (2007). "Using the 'Virtual Leader' Management Simulation for OB Programs". Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Levitt, K. J. (2011). Questioning the Impact of the Internet on Social Connections via Interrogative Debating. Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Levitt, K. J. (2012). Employee Engagement: An Analysis of Trends and its Potential Impact to a Company's Finances. Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management
Levitt, K. J. (2010). Leadership and Changing Work Environments: Using Role-Play Exercises to Illustrate the Impact of Leadership. Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management
Levitt, K. J. (2012). Dangerous Waters: Navigating Through Political Situations that Threaten Careers. Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Levitt, K. J. (2013). The Job Hopper Construct. Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management
Levitt, K. J. (2010). Now You See It, Now You Don't: Engaging Disruption. Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Levitt, K. J. (2008). Manager vs. Employee Perceptions of Adaptability and Performance. Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Levitt, K. J. (2011). What's in a Title: Reorganizing into a matrix organization. Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management