Karen Shafer
Dr. Shafer earned her Ph.D. in political science from Arizona State University. She also has a Master's degree from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. Publications include an article in the Journal of Politics. She started at Walden University in 2009 and has taught multiple courses as well as supervised many Ph.D. dissertations. Since 2019 she has functioned largely in an administrative capacity. Her research interests include policy development at the state level as well as women in politics.
PhD, Arizona State University
M.P.Aff., Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
BA, Pomona College
Stout, R. A., Shafer, K. L. (2023). Resiliency in Firefighters: Using Photovoice to Identify Protective Factors. Medical Research Archives
Shafer, K. L., Mazza, J. (2019). Using government records for research. SAGE Research Methods Cases
Shafer, K. L. (2018). Political ambition. Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science
Herrera, R., Shafer, K. L. (2012). Women in the Governor's Mansion: How Party and Gender Affect Policy Agendas.
Fridkin, K. L., Kenney, P. J., Gershon, S. A., Shafer, K. L., Woodall, G. S. (2007). Capturing the Power of a Campaign Event: The 2004 Presidential Debate in Tempe. Journal of Politics
Herrera, R., Shafer, K. (2012). Media Coverage of Governors' Policy Agendas.