Karen Clark
Dr. Karen Clark teaches in the area of special education at Walden University. She has been teaching in higher education since 2017, immediately following her graduation from Walden with her doctorate. In addition to teaching at Walden, Dr. Clark also has served in a Lead Faculty role, as Chair and Second Committee Member on several doctoral capstone committees. Her primary area of research interest includes autism interventions in education. Dr. Clark's passion for helping students and serving in leadership roles started with her career in K-12 public education more than 20 years ago as a classroom teacher at an inner city school. Since moving into higher education, she has been a nominee for Online Teacher of The Year in 2018 at a major research institution in Detroit, Michigan, served on a local school board, and continues to seek publication for ongoing research. Outside of higher education tasks, she also makes time to advocate for understanding and acceptance of cognitive diversity in our world and support parents, educators, first responders, and businesses through an organization she founded in 2017 called Autism TACOS (Training, Advocacy, Consulting, and Other Services).
EdD, Walden University
MA, Central Michigan University
BA, Michigan State University