Judy Orth

Core Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences
M.S. Education (MSEd)

Judith A. Orth, Ph.D. is a pedagogical professional with over 50 years of experience in public and higher education. She has a plentitude of publications and educational experience in the elementary/middle school classroom, public school administrator, university professor and university administrator, in both land and online venues. Dr. Orth has presented at conferences, workshops and seminars and has been affiliated with Walden University for over 19 years. She is very active in local literacy foundations as well as national reading/educational associations.

Courses Taught

All 12 courses in ERL and 1 credit courses in MSED All 12 courses in ERL and 1 credit courses in MSED - All 12 courses in ERL and 1 credit courses in MSED

Doctoral courses in research 6 - Qualitative and Quantitative


PhD, University of PIttsburgh

MS, Indiana University

BS, Indiana University

Public Service

Westminster Educational Children Preschool Programs, Board of Directors - Upper St. Clair

Westminster Presbyterian Church, Board Member - Upper St. Clair

Awards / Honors

Humanitarian Award - Graduate School of Public & I, University of Pittsburgh, 1990

Outstanding Dissertations in the Field of College, ProfessionalActivities, 1995

Outstanding Dissertations in the Field of College, ProfessionalActivities, 1995

Outstanding Dissertations in the Field of College, ProfessionalActivities, 1995