Juan Stegmann

Contributing Faculty
College of Management and Human Potential
B.S. Dual Degree Management

I have held senior positions in almost any area of the organization, and some specifically integrating areas such general management, investment and commercial banking, finance, and strategic and knowledge management at leading multinational firms such as Citibank, Bank of America, N. M. Rothschild (UK), and Telefonica among others; I also worked with leading consulting firms such as McKinsey, Boston Consulting, A. T. Kearney, Booz Allen and others.

I have written several books and papers published locally and overseas. I teach a wide spectrum of courses at graduate and undergraduate level: strategic management, management, integrated enterprise management, entrepreneurship, organization theory and behavior, foundations of business, international business, cross cultural communications, cultural environment global business, business consulting, business ethics, economics, international economics, financial management, strategic resources management, and quantitative methods.
I have done community service, among them, together with my wife, we introduced in Argentina a new treatment for autistic children, based on UCLA Ivar Lovaas Behavior Modification, which changed the history of this disease’s treatment in the country. 400 therapists were trained, and hundreds of children received treatment.

Courses Taught

BUSI 1003 - Principles Leadership & Management

BUSI 4900 - Capstone: Strategic Business Management

MGMT 3105 - Global Business in the 21st Century

MGMT 4400 - Organizational Behaviour & Management

MGMT 5101 - Global Business Capstone

MMBA 6253 - Case Study: International Business Strategy


MS Engineering, Instituto Tecnol—gico de Buenos Aires. Argentina

MBA, Warsaw University. Poland

Master of Philosophy, Holy Apostles College

PhD, Warsaw University. Poland

PhD, Pacific Western University. California

PhD, Universitat Abat Oliba

Program for Executive Development, IMD. Switzerland

Advanced Banking Lending Education, Bank of America. California,

Public Service

Autism, Other - Buenos Aires

Christian Association of Business Leaders, Organizer -

Medical Mission Honduras, Volunteer - Honduras

Paralytic, Volunteer - Argentina

Awards / Honors

Excellence Award, in recognition of outstanding mentoring and commitment to the UMUC MBA Mentoring Program, University of Maryland University College, 2014

Silver Medal “Merit Order Miguel Antonio Miguel Martinez” in recognition for my institutional leadership of the academic quality, UNAD Colombia , 2012

Stanley J. Drazek Teaching Excellence Award, University of Maryland University College, 2013

Nominated for the 2011, 2012 and 2013 UMUC Teaching Recognition Award, University of Maryland University College, 2013

Nominated for the 2011, 2012 Stanley J. Drazek Teaching Excellence Award. , University of Maryland University College, 2012


Stegmann, J. P. (2007). .

Stegmann, J. P. (2009). 1. Strategic Value Management. Stock Value Creation and the Management of the Firm. .

Stegmann, J. P. (2008). 2008. A Comparison of US and Latin American Ethical Paradigms.

Stegmann, J. P. (2013). 2013. Ethical Thinking. What are students’ moral thoughts.

Stegmann, J. P. (2018). 2018.1. How realism promotes better social outcomes than empiricism and subjective idealism.

Stegmann, J. P. (2002). 3. Estrategia Empresarial Moderna (Modern Entrepreneurial Strategy). How to grow, modernize, internationalize, and compete successfully in the new environment.

Stegmann, J. P. Critical thinking in strategic management.

Stegmann, J. P. From critical thinking to discernment.

Stegmann, J. P. (2000). Gestión Estratégica Moderna (Modern Strategic Management). .

Stegmann, J. P. How social leadership transforms socio-economic sciences.

Stegmann, J. P. Leadership: a journey toward world peace. Volume 1. How we build our greatness and leadership impacting the political economy and decision making.

Stegmann, J. P. Social leadership. 16 videos on Youtube.

Stegmann, J. P. (2009). Strategic Value Management. Stock Value Creation and the Management of the Firm..

Stegmann, J. P. The making of a social leader.

Stegmann, J. P. Using the EVA Model for Investing in Corporate Stocks.


Stegmann, J. (2017). The social impact of online education. Norwich University

Stegmann, J. (2017). Realism: the road to social leadership, towards a world in peace.

Stegmann, J. (2014). From knowledge construction to social construction. . UNAD

Stegmann, J. (2013). Ethical Thinking: What Are Students' Moral Thoughts? . International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences.

Stegmann, J. (2015). Academic Integration through information technology.