John Johnson

Contributing Faculty
Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences
Doctor of Education (EdD)

Graduated from Biola University (La Mirada, CA), Mr. John S. Johnson holds a PhD degree in Intercultural education with a focus on organizational leadership. He has a Master of Arts in Human Resource Leadership (Azusa Pacivic University, Azusa, CA) and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Bible Missionary Institute, Rock Island, IL). Dr. Johnson has done 17 graduate units in marketing, organizational development and international business at Indiana Wesleyan University (Marion, IN). He holds language proficiency certificates in Russian and Spanish languages as well as a Certificate in ESL teaching.

Dr. Johnson has extensive teaching experience with over 300 university courses in the areas of Organizational Development, International Business, Organizational Leadership, Strategic & International Management, Economics, Marketing, HRM and English/Communications. He has taught extensively on-line, but also taught on-site in Ukraine, Thailand, China, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Lithuania, Switzerland, Kenya, Uganda Ethiopia and the United States. Dr. Johnson has chaired 48 dissertations/doctoral projects to completion and supervised hundreds of students completing Master’s degrees. He has been involved in faculty hiring and has interviewed over 1000 candidates for faculty roles.

Dr. Johnson is actively engaged in research work. He was a recipient of FRIG Grant Walden University for qualitative research (phenomenology) “Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine” (2012-2013). He also researched common barriers for female entrepreneurs in Poland and Ukraine in 2017 and recently completed a quantitative study of “Barriers for women who are entrepreneurs in Mexico” (2017-2023).

As a researcher and scholar, he is the co-author of 7 books. He wrote numerous peer/non-peer reviewed articles on his research results and actively presents at local and international conferences. He is also active as an entrepreneur and has founded three companies with a focus on e learning and publishing.


BA, Bible Missionary Institute

MA, Azusa Pacific University

PhD, Biola University

Awards / Honors

Walden RDS publication award, Walden University, 2014

Walden RDS publication award, Walden University, 2017

UoP Grant for presentation, University of Phoenix, 2017

UoP Faculty Presentation Grant, University of Phoenix, 2017

UoP Faculty Presentation Grant, University of Phoenix, 2017

UoP Faculty Presentation Grant, University of Phoenix, 2013

Research Dissemination Award, , 2014

Peer Mentoring Award, Colorado State University Global Campus, 2018

Honorary Doctorate, National Pedagogical University (Dragamonov), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2009

Grant for presentation, Colorado State University Global Campus, 2017

Grant for presentation, Colorado State University Global Campus, 2017

Faculty Excellence Award, Liberty University, 2014

Faculty Excellence Award, Colorado State University Global Campus, 2016

Faculty Award for Presentation, , 2015

Certificate of participation: as a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress EduAction, , 2018

Award for Presentation, Colorado State University Global Campus, 2014

6 Month Faculty Recognition Award , Colorado State University Global Campus, 2018

"The Quantitative of the Year" Award for Doctoral Mentee, University of Phoenix, 2012


Johnson, J., Taranenko, A. (2015). "Американські дослідники виявили: українські підприємниці демонструють відмінні навички комунікації" [American researchers identified strong networking skills of Ukrainian women entrepreneurs].

Johnson, J., Buko, S., Halasa, I. (2015). “Жінки прийшли у бізнес здолати важкі часи, здобули успіх і неохоче це визнають” [Women stated businesses during hard times, they achieved success but unwilling recognize it].

Johnson, J., Chinta, R. (2015). Barriers to entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine: quantitative study. Ukrayinskyy socium

Johnson, J., Buko, S., Garten , E. (2013). Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine. Studies of Changing Societies: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Focus

Johnson, J., Buko, S., Garten, E. (2014). Barriers to Successful Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2016). Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine: national quantitative research. Gender Research

Johnson, J. (2013). Entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine: insights. Posted at Ukrainian management portal (in Ukrainian). .

Johnson, J. (2017). Increase your cultural intelligence with these three strategies. .

Johnson, J., Romanovsky, J. (2012). Perspectives on the History of the United States .

Johnson, J., Diadko, I. (2016). Przedsiębiorczość kobiet w Polsce i na Ukrainie [Women entreprenership in Ukrane and Poland] (In Polish) .

Johnson, J. (2014). The Old Paths or a New Way: Perspectives on the Conservative Holiness Movement.

Johnson, J., Mixer, D., Fleming, C. (2011). The Recruiting and Acculturation of Adjunct Faculty.

Johnson, J. (2010). The role of distance learning in the system of higher education of US: case study of Walden University.

Johnson, J., Taranenko, A. (2016). Американське і українське жіноче підприємництво: порівняльний аналіз стимулів і бар'єрів. [American and Ukrainian women entrepreneurship: comparative analysis of stimuli and barriers].

Johnson, J., Sanko, H. (2017). Американське, українське та польське жіноче підприємництво: порівняльний аналіз стимулів і бар'єрів. [American, Ukrainian and Polish women entrepreneurship: comparative analysis of drivers and barriers]. Gender studies

Johnson, J., Halasa, I. (2015). Жіноче підприємництво в Україні. Перешкоди на шляху жінок-підприємиць [Women Entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Barriers to success of women-entrepreneurs]..

Johnson, J. (2014). Успіх у бізнесі: перешкоди та стимули на шляху українських бізнес-леді [Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine]. Ukrayinskyy socium

Johnson, J. (2012). Faculty development trainings for online programs: case study of doctoral program of Walden University.

Johnson, J. (2004). Leading Organizations Through Change: A Collection of Readings. .

Johnson, J., Johnson, R. B. (2011). Perspectives on International Business: A Collection of Readings.

Johnson, J. (1994). Three Things You Should Not Believe About Ministry in the Former Soviet Union. Evangelical Missions Quarterly


Johnson, J. (2014). Cultural aspects of female enterprenership in Ukraine [TV Interview].

Johnson, J. (2015). Barriers to Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2015). Barriers and drivers of success for businesswomen in Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2015). Barriers to Successful Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine.

Johnson, J., Halasa, I. (2016). Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2015). Barriers to successful women entrepreneurship in Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2016). Barriers to successful women entrepreneurship in Ukraine.

Johnson, J., Sanko, H. (2017). Drivers & Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship: Ukraine Vs. Poland.

Johnson, J. (2012). Mobile University Campus: case study of Walden University.

Johnson, J., Diadko, I. (2017). On-line education and blended learning in the USA: approaches and quality control.

Johnson, J. (2017). Preparing Our Students and Colleagues to Succeed in a Time of Rapid Change.

Johnson, J. (2018). Trends in US Adult Higher Education.

Johnson, J., Diadko, I. (2017). Women Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe: A Comparative Analysis of drivers and barriers in Ukraine and Poland.

Johnson, J., Diadko, I. (2017). Women entrepreneurship within emerging markets of Eastern Europe: comparative analysis of Ukraine and Poland.

Johnson, J., Sanko, H. (2017). Women entrepreneurship within Emerging Markets of Eastern Europe: Ukraine and Poland.

Johnson, J., Burner, K. (2013). Accessing the value of the online university degrees in the United States.

Johnson, J. (2017). Barriers to Succesful Entrepreneurship for Women in Poland and Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2015). Barriers to Succesful Entrepreneurship for Women in Ukraine [Radio Interview] .

Johnson, J. (2012). Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine. Walden University (Grant)

Johnson, J. (2015). Characteristics of Effective On-line Instructor in the USA.

Johnson, J. (2014). Cultural differences between Ukrainians and Americans and their implications for Effective Leadership.

Johnson, J., Eiden-Dillow, L. (2016). Four questions to ask when hiring on-line faculty.

Johnson, J. (2012). New information technologies in education for all: models and infrastructures. Providing for academic transparency in online education: US experience. New trends in E-learning in US: case study of online doctoral program of Walden University.

Johnson, J. (2018). New Tendencies and Trends in the US Higher Education.

Johnson, J. (2016). Perspectives on the Leadership of Women in Ukraine Over the Last 25 Years with a Focus on Entrepreneurship.

Johnson, J. (2012). The role of online learning in the postgraduate education: Case study of successful online doctoral program of Walden University.

Johnson, J., Diadko, I. (2015). Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Poland.

Johnson, J. (2013). Barriers to successful entrepreneurship for women in Ukraine.

Johnson, J. (2010). The Blended Family: The Recruitment and Development of Adjunct Faculty.

Johnson, J. (2018). Trends in US Adult Higher Education.