Joelle France Lewis
Dr. Joelle France Lewis is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Colorado and has been a remote Core Faculty with Walden University since 2015. She began teaching in higher education in 2005, including in CACREP-approved CMHC programs exclusively since 2010. She is married, has two grown children, and has many pets. In 2022, she retired from full-time faculty and is now Contributing Faculty, focusing on teaching Field Experience and PrePracticum. She has a Doctorate in Counseling Education and Supervision, a Master's in Business Administration (Leadership), and a Master's in Social Work.
Courses Taught
COUN 6260 - Assessment in Counseling
COUN 6101 - Foundations in Counseling
GRTP 6100 - Group Lab
COUN 6723 - Multicultural Counseling
COUN 6682B - Counseling Internship
COUN 6682A - Counseling Internship
CPLB 601L - PrePracticum
COUN 6024 - Advising Forum
RESI 6621 - Residency
COUN 6671 - Practicum
EdD, Argosy University/Denver
Master's, Colorado Christian University
Masters, Colorado State University
BA, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Public Service
Self, Volunteer - Buffalo
Church, Volunteer - Buffalo
Independent, Volunteer - Buffalo
Operation Christmas Child, Volunteer - Buffalo
Self, Volunteer - Buffalo
Awards / Honors
Faculty of the Year, , 2014
Chi Sigma Iota, Argosy University/Denver, 2013
Dunbar-Davis, K., Lewis, J. P., McLain, C. M. (2017). Chapter 6: Systemic Functioning of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders.
Mc Lain, C. M., France Lewis, J. (2018). Professional behaviors and dispositions: Counseling competencies and lifelong growth.
Spewart-Spencer, S. S., Dean, C. C., McLain, C. M., Lewis, J. F., Dunbar-Davison, K. Band of Counselors; Winning the Battle Turning Raw Recruits into Skilled Counselors. To Vol. 2. Metaphors and Therapy: Enhancing Clinical Supervision and Education .
Stewart-Spencer, S. S., Dean, C. ., McLain, C. M., Lewis, J. P. (2016). The Bubble Girl.
McLain, C. M., Lewis, J. P. (2012). A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Empathy. Association of Counselor Education and Supervision
McLain, C. M., Lewis, J. P., Mc Lain, C. M. (2013). Promoting Beginning Student Development through Scaffolding in Teaching Basic Skills and Professional Dispositions. ACES
Lewis, J. P., McLain, C. M. (2014). "These are Not the Droids You are Looking For, These are Better!" Online Technology, In seat and Online Assessment in Counselor Education Supervision. RMACES conference
Lewis, J. P., McLain, C. M. (2014). The Twilight Zone: Educators and Supervisors Finding a Voice in Training the Next Generation of Counselors. Association of Counselor Education and Supervision
Tate, Y., McLain, C. M., France, J. P. (2013). Cutting Edge and Efficacious Treatment for Child and Adult Survivors of Neglect and Abuse. Colorado Counseling Association
McLain, C. M., Lewis, J. P. (2016). Ink and Insight: Tools In Narrative Therapy. CCA
Lewis, J. P., Olguin, J. (2013). Who's Your Melvin?. Colorado Counseling Association
Lewis, J. P. (2020). The Target Sociogram and How to Use it in Practice . Wyoming Counseling Association