Jessica Hart
Jessica Hart, Ph.D. is originally from Southern California, but now resides in Ohio. Her degrees include Forensic Psychology Ph.D., Alliant International University; Forensic Psychology M.A., Alliant International University; Psychology B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; Law and Society with emphasis in Criminal Justice B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara. She is a Contributing Faculty Member in the Psychology Department, with specialization in Forensic Psychology. Her research interests include competency to stand trial, not guilty by reason of insanity, corrections, juvenile offenders, gangs and violent youth, and conducting psychological evaluations. She is a Licensed Psychologist, conducting competency to stand trial evaluations, criminal responsibility (insanity defense) evaluations, and risk assessments. She also teaches for multiple colleges and universities.
PhD, Alliant International University
MA, Alliant International University
BA, University of California, Santa Barbara
BA, University of California, Santa Barbara
Hart, J., O'Toole, S., Price-Sharps, J., Shaffer, T. (2007). The Risk and Protective Factors of Violent Juvenile Offending: An Examination of Gender Differences. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
Hart, J., Helms, J. (2003). Factors of parricide: Allowance of the use of battered child syndrome as a defense. Aggression and Violent Behavior
Hart, J., Larsen, A., Litton, K., Sullivan, L. (2003). Racial profiling: At what price?. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice