Jennifer Tavernier
Dr. Jennifer Tavernier has served in a number of roles as a nurse educator in both the clinical and academic settings throughout her 18-year career. She served as a Clinical Nurse Educator in Orthopedics and Neurology where she implemented best practices to unique clinical settings. She has also served as an Associate Degree Nursing Instructor, where she has taught Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Acute Nursing 1 and 2, Chronic Nursing 1 and 2, Health Promotion, and Integrative Practicum in both online and brick and mortar platforms. In her current role as Associate Dean of Health Professions, Health, and Physical Education/Director of Nursing, Dr. Tavernier has the responsibility of program oversight and managment of the largest Associate Degree Nursing Program in the State of Oregon. As part of her current role, she oversees several health professions programs under the direction of the division Dean. As a Nurse Educator of 16 years, Dr. Tavernier had responsibilities in assessment and evaluation, curriculum design and evaluation, and student recruitment and retention. At Walden University, Dr. Tavernier servers as a contributing faculty member in the MSN core curriculum courses. In her doctoral work, Dr. Tavernier studied opioid sparing pain management strategies for nurses and completed an Integrative Review, examining the use of evidence based clinical tools for enhancing nurse use of multimodal analgesia. Dr. Tavernier is currently engaged in research related to student retention strategies in nursing programs. Clinically, Dr. Tavernier has worked in Neurology, Orthopedics, and Trauma Nursing, and currently serves as Certified Nurse Case Manager where she works to ensure equitable health care delivery to special populations in her community.
Courses Taught
NURS 6052 - Essentials of Evidence Based Practice
AAS, Lane Community College
BS, University of Oregon
MSN, Indiana State University
DNP, Chamberlain University
Public Service
Parent Group: CAS Fair Coordinator, Organizer - Eugene
Womensspace, Volunteer - Eugene