Jennifer Rounds-Bryant
Dr. Jennifer Rounds-Bryant is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been teaching graduate students in psychology and criminal justice online programs for 22 years. She is Contributing Faculty in the School of Psychology at Walden University. Her primary area of research is intervention outcomes in the areas of mental health, addiction, and criminal justice.
Courses Taught
PSYC 9000 - Dissertation Research
BS, Northern Illinois University
MA, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Awards / Honors
National Research Service Award, National Institutes of Health, 1991
Pelissier, B., Motivans, M. A., Rounds-Bryant, J. (2005). Substance abuse treatment outcomes: A multi-site study of male and female prison programs. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Rounds-Bryant, J. (2008). The impact of age and Contingency Management on Oxford House retention in a randomized clinical trial among female African-American cocaine users. . American Psychological Association