Jennifer Boeckel

Dr. Boeckel has been with Walden University since 2017. She is both an instructor in the MSW program as well as the Assessment Coordinator for the Barbara Solomen School of Social Work.
Courses Taught
SOCW 6200 - Human Behavioral and the Social Environment I
RESI 6651 - MSW Residency
SOCW 6002 - Changing Lives
SOCW 6101 - Essential Skillls for Social Work Practice
SOCW 6210 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
SOCW 8333 - Vicarious Trauma
SWLB 0651 - Social Work Skills Lab
PhD, University of Denver
MSW, University of North Dakota
BS, University of Mary
BS, University of North Dakota
Public Service
Ruth Meiers Hospitality House, Board of Directors - Bismarck
Inner Groundwork, Inc. , Board Member - Bismarck
P. E. O. , Member - Bismarck
Conway, P., Boeckel, J., Shuster, L., Wages, J. (2010). Grandparent caregivers' use of resources and services, level of burden, and factors that mediate their relationships. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
Boeckel, J. (2013). Individual and family factors related to the reduction of risk behavior in Asian youth.
Boeckel, J., Laser, J. A. (2015). Individual and Family Factors That Decrease Depression in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Youth. International Journal of Social Work
Conway, P., Boeckel, J., Griffin, J., Harding, T., Leben, L., McKay, L., Ploium, T., Simonsen, J. (2015). North Dakota Tribal College Research Symposium . Cankdeska Cikana Community College
Conway, P., Ludtke, R. L., McDonald, L. R., Handran, J., Wages, J., Boeckel, J., Shuster, L. (2007). Reciprocal relationships between grandparent caregivers and their grandchild’s parent. Journal of Native Aging \& Health
Boeckel, J. (2006). Using Stakeholder Comments to Inform Further Development of the North Dakota Child Welfare System of Care.
Boeckel, J., Parker, M., Brown, M., Saari, K., Harding, T., Conway, P. (2017). Candeska Cikana Community College Increasing Capaity and Enhancing Tribal Innovation (ICE-TI).
Laser, J. A., Boeckel, J. A. (2011). Delinquency in Chinese Youth.
Laser, J. A., Boeckel, J. A. (2014). Individual and Family Factors Related to the Reduction of Delinquent Behavior in Asian Youth.
Boeckle, J. A., Ortega, D., Chifalo, M. (2011). Parenting for Latinos in Same-Gender Love Relationships. 1st Annual Gender and Love Conference
Boeckel, J., Conway, P., Olimb, S., Lindquist, C. (2018). Spirit Lake Nation Comprehensive Community Assessment.