Jeanne Sorrell
Dr. Jeanne Sorrell has a PhD from George Mason University; MSN from University of Wisconsin; and BSN from University of Michigan. She has taught at BSN, MSN, and PhD levels of nursing education and frequently worked with doctoral students on their dissertations. Her research interests include Qualitative Research Methods, Ethics, Curriculum and Instruction, and Care of Patients with Chronic Illnesses. She has taught courses in Advanced Clinical Nursing, Nurses as Writers, Scholarship of Writing, Nursing Curriculum, Program Evaluation, Nursing Research, Philosophical Bases of Knowing, Nursing Research, and Qualitative Research. Her research used interpretive phenomenology to explore ethical concerns in the lived experience of patients and caregivers with Alzheimer's disease. Findings from the research were presented in a video, Quality Lives: Ethics in the Care of Persons with Alzheimer's, and a play, Six Characters in Search of an Answer, both of which received Sigma Theta Tau International Media Awards.
Dr. Sorrell has taught at Walden since 2012 and has chaired approximately 14 doctoral capstone committees and has served on 8 additional doctoral studies as second member. She has also served as a University Research Reviewer for 22 doctoral students at Walden.
Courses Taught
EDUC808 8090 - Doctoral Study Intensive
EDUC 8081 - Completing the Prospectus
BS, University of Michigan
PhD, George Mason University