Janine Everett

Contributing Faculty
College of Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Dr. Janine Everett earned her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. She has been involved in research and higher education since 2006, and in healthcare since the early 1990s. She is currently the Director of the Public Health Program at a private liberal arts college in Pennsylvania, and serves Walden University's DNP Program.


PhD, University of Pennsylvania

MS, University of Pennsylvania

BS, University of Phoenix

AA, Beaufort County Community College

Awards / Honors

University of Pennsylvania, University Fellow, , 2007

Sigma Theta Tau International, Xi Chapter, PhD Award, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2011

North Carolina Nurse Scholars, Scholarship Award, , 1993

National Institute of Nursing Research; Ruth L. Ki, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2009

Marion R. Gregory Award for a Distinguished Doctor, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2011

International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 2010

Institute of Nursing Science (INS), University of Basel, Switzerland, 2009

Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society, , 1993


Everett, J., Fargo, J., Sommers, M. (2010). Factors protecting skin from injury: Relationships between age, skin colour and skin elasticity. Injury Prevention

Sommers, M., Everett, J., Tiller, D., Fargo, J. (2012). Forensic examination following rape: Do skin colour and baseline injury matter?. Injury Prevention

Sommers, M. S., Brown, K. M., Buschur, C., Everett, J., Fargo, J. D., Fisher, B. S., Hinkle, C., Zink, T. M. (2012). Injuries from intimate partner and sexual violence: Significance and classification systems. Journal of forensic and legal medicine

Sommers, M., Everett, J., Fargo, J. (2010). Injury from rape and consensual sexual intercourse: Role of skin colour and time to exam. Injury Prevention

Alexander, K., Dovydaitis, T., Beacham, B., Bohinski, J., Brawner, B., Clements, C., Everett, J., Gomes, M., Harner, H., McDonald, C., Pinkston, E., Sommers, M. (2011). Learning health equity frameworks within a community of scholars. Journal of Nursing Education

Walsh-Brennan, A.M., De L, Eon Siantz, M., Barnsteiner, J., Cotter, V., Everett, J. (2012). LGBTI content for nursing curricula. Journal of Professional Nursing

Everett, J., Budescu, M., Sommers, M. (2012). Making sense of skin color in clinical care. Clinical Nursing Research

Everett, J., Sommers, M. S. (2013). Skin viscoelasticity: physiologic mechanisms, measurement issues, and application to nursing science. Biological research for nursing

Fisher, B. S., Kaplan, A., Budescu, M., Fargo, J., Tiller, D., Everett, J., Sommers, M. (2013). The Influence of Anogenital Injury on Women's Willingness to Engage With the Criminal Justice Process After Rape. Violence and Victims