Janice Long
Dr. Long has worked in nursing education since 2002 at Kennesaw State University then with Walden University School of Nursing since Spring 2010 beginning in the RN to BSN, RN to MSN, then to the DNP and PHD programs. In March of 2016 she began working as a full time core faculty assuming the role of interim research coordinator. She currently works as full time core faculty in the PhD Nursing program. She serves on the Academic Integrity Committee and mentors new faculty PhD student mentors as needed in the PhD program. She additionally serves as a backup prospectus reviewer for the PhD academic coordinator.
PhD, Western Michigan University
MS, Georgia State University
Awards / Honors
All-University Graduate Research and Creative Scho, Western Michigan University, 2009
Preston Award for Distinguished Service, Kennesaw State University, 2006
Georgia's Nurse Researcher Award, Georgia Association of Nursing Educators, 2010
University Distinguised Service Award, Kennesaw State University, 2008
White, A., Brannan, J., Long, J., Kruszka, K. (2013). Comparison of simulation and traditional classroom methods: Effects on cognitive skills and confidence levels.. International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning
Hart, P., Brannan, J., Long, J., McGuire, M., Brooks, K., Robley, L. (2013). Effectiveness of a structured curriculum focused on recognition and response to acute patient deterioration in an undergraduate BSN program. Journal of Nursing Education
Long, J., Sowell, R., Bairan, A., Holtz, C., Curtis, A., Fogarty, K. (2012). Exploration of commonalities and variations in health related beliefs across four Latino subgroups using focus group methodology: Implications in care for latinos with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Cultural Diversity,
Camann, M., Long, J. (2012). Health promotion with vulnerable population groups. Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare
Brannan, J. D., White, M. A., Long, J. (2016). Learning Styles: Impact on Knowledge and Confidence in Nursing Students in Simulation and Classroom. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship
Long, J., Kee, C. C., Graham, M. V., Saethang, T. B., Dames, F. D. (1998). Medication compliance and the older hemodialysis patient.. ANNA journal
Long, J., Mareno, N., Shabo, R., Wilson, A. H. (2012). Overweight and obesity among White, Black, and Mexican American children: implications for when to intervene.. Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN
Long, J. (2008). Perceptions of quality of life of latinos with diabetes living in the U.S.: variations by geographic region of origin.
Long, J. (2012). Other global perspectives of chronic diseases.
Flynn, J., , J. (2011). Sample quantitative research proposal: Effect of video based education on knowledge and perceptions of risk for breast cancer genes, BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 in urban Latino population.
Long, J. (2006). Validating the utility of the Spanish version of the American diabetes association risk test. Clinical Nursing Research
Bremner, M. N., Blake, B. J., Long, J., Yanosky, 2nd, D. J. (2014). Setting a benchmark for the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) V: striving for first-semester success in nursing school.. The Journal of nursing education
Hart, P., Brannan, J., Long, J., Brooks, K., McGuire, M., Robley, L., Kill, S. (2014). Using Combined Teaching Modalities to Enhance Nursing Students' Recognition and Response to Clinical Deterioration. Nursing Education Perspectives
Long, J. (2009). An Innovative Educational Technology: Evaluation of an Audience Response System in Nursing Education. Georgia Association of Nurse Educators
White, A., Brannan, J., Long, J. (2010). Competence and confidence in nursing practice: A comparison of traditional classroom and simulation learning in a senior nursing course. Georgia Association of Nurse Educators
Camann, M., Long, J. (2007). Applying Evidence to Lifestyle Programs in Community Populations . Mu PHI chapter of Sigma Theta Tau
Long, J., Bairan, A. (2009). Development of a Culturally Sensitive Diabetes Education Program for a Diverse Latino Audience Using EBP Model. Sigma Theta Tau Mu Phi
Long, J. (2010). Diabetes awareness month: Resources and program: Road to health toolkit. SOPHE
Long, J., Rozo-Rivera, A., Curtis, A., Lawson, L., Alweiss, P. (2007). IDEAL Worksite TIPS. National Diabetes Education Program of CDC
Long, J., Rozo-Rivera, A. (2006). Project IDEAL, and community partners to initiate a health intervention for Latinos. Healthcare Georgia Foundation
Whitehead, D., Long, J. (2017). Introduction to Evidence Based Practice. Cristus Trinity Mother Francis Health System
Long, J., White, A., Brannan, J., Hart, P. (2015). Learning styles of senior nursing students in a baccalaureate nursing program: How do nursing students learn? . Evidence-Based Practice Toolkit for Bedside Nurses Conference.
Long, J. M. (2011). Project IDEAL and Promotores de Salud. National Diabetes Education Program (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Long, J. (2010). Project IDEAL, and faith-based initiatives with promotores de salud. . Georgia Diabetes Coalition
Whitehead, D., Long, J. (2016). Understanding Evidence Based Practice. Walden University
Brannan, J., White, A., Long, J. (2010). Use of simulation to teach shock: Effects on knowledge and confidence levels of undergraduate students. Rutgers
Whitehead, D., Long, J. (2016). Understanding Evidence Based Practice. Walden University