Jana Price-sharps
Dr. Jana Price-Sharps has taught in higher education since 1995. She is a licensed psychologist specializing in first responder trauma and PTSD treatment. She is a Core Faculty member at Walden in Forensic Psychology. She has worked as a police psychologist for over 20 years. She has worked with numerous departments in the State of California. She has also worked with the Italian undercover operatives and police detectives in South Africa (detectives in SAPS). She has treated law enforcement, fire suppression/law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, and combat veterans. She has taught a number of courses for law enforcement including hostage negotiation courses such as negotiating with the mentally ill and methamphetamine users. She frequently offers classes on how to set up peer support programs. She also provides extensive training on resiliency and trauma prevention for law enforcement and fire personnel. Her academic career has included teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses including, police psychology, trauma, risk assessment, family therapy, and psychopathology. Dr. Price-Sharps’ primary areas of research and clinical work include police officer stress, PTSD, and trauma.
Courses Taught
FPSY 8126 - Understanding Violence, Risk and Threat Assessment
FPSY 6521 - Police Psychology
FPSY 8201 - Psychological Aspects Of Violent Crime
FPSY 9000 - Dissertation
BA, Cal State University, Fresno
Master's of Science, Cal State Univ Fresno
EdD, University of the Pacific
Sharps, M., Price-sharps, J., Day, S., Nunes, M., Villegas, A., Mitchell, S. (2005). Cognition at risk: Gestalt/feature-intensive processing, attention deficit, and substance abuse. Current Psychology
Sharps, M., Price-sharps, J., Day, S., Villegas, A. B., Nunes, M. (2005). Cognitive predisposition to substance abuse in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Addictive Behavior
Sharps, M., Hess, A., Price-sharps, J., Teh, J. (2008). Heuristic and algorithmic processing in English, math, and science education. Journal of Psychology