Jacqui Grantland
Dr. Jacqui Grantland brings over twenty years of experience in the mental health field and owns Inner Peace Therapeutic Services, LLC in Maryland. She holds licenses and certifications as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor, Certified Sex Offender Treatment Specialist, Certified EMDR Therapist, and an Approved Clinical Supervisor. With eight years of Air Force service, she has a passion for servicing the military community. Dr. Grantland earned her PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Walden University in 2020. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, Maryland Counseling Association, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors of Maryland, International Association of Eating Disordered Professionals, and EMDRIA International Association.
Courses Taught
Coun 6404 - Military Culture
CPLB 601L - Pre-Practicum 1
GRUP 6100 - Group Lab
COUN 6316 - Techniques in Counseling
Coun 6351 - Human Sexuality
CPLB 602L - Pre-Practicum II
Public Service
National Center for PTSD, Participant - Lexington Park
Grantland, J., Peoples, K. (2021). Using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis to Explore Rural Counselors’ Use of Technology to Address Professional Isolation.
Grantland, J. D. (2018). Mental Health Facilitator. Global Engagement Institute