Jacqui Cournoyer

Jacqueline Cournoyer is an e-learning educator, instructional designer, and faculty support specialist with experience in the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate-level learning environments.
She moved from the traditional face-to-face teaching environment to an online teaching environment in 2002 and has been involved with developments in online education.
Dr. Cournoyer has a BA in Art, MAT in Teaching, and a Ph.D. in Education with a specialization in Educational Technologies. She has worked in various educational environments as an instructor, instructional designer, evaluator, mentor, and consultant. Jacqueline Cournoyer lives in New Hampshire, where she is a full-time instructional designer for VLACS, New Hampshire's virtual K-12 school. She looks forward to engaging in new online learning initiatives.
Courses Taught
EDDD 8107 - Designing Instruction for E-Learning
EDDD 8103 - E-Learning
EDUC 6771 - Bridging Learning Theory, Instruction and Technology
EDUC 6715 - New & Emerging Technologies
EDUC 6714 - Reaching and Engagaing All Learners Through Technology
MSED 6120 - Enriching Learning with Technology
PhD, Walden University
MA, Grand Canyon University
BA, Keene State College
Cournoyer, J., Grebner, L. (2024). Ready, Set, Go! How to Prepare Your Course for the New Term Start. Walden University
Cournoyer, J. (2023). Canvas New Analytics and Reporting. Walden University
Cournoyer, J. (2023). Canvas Tools for Student and Instructor Success. VLACS
Cournoyer, J. (2024). ChatGPT: Superhero or Villain? Using Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning. Trifecta Education
Cournoyer, J. (2023). Workshop: Creating Social Presence & Classroom Community. Walden University
Derby, J. (2020). Lessons from Advanced Online Teachers and Advice for Getting Started in Online Teaching. Aurora Institute
Cournoyer, J. (2009). Second life: What type of professional development is available?.