Iris Cornell

Dr. Iris Cornell has been a nurse for over 40 years. She has been in academia for approximately 15 years. Her academic experiences include working in online nursing programs with prelicensure BSN, post-licensure BSN, second degree online and campus-based, as a clinical instructor for ADN and BSN students, a Dean for an RN to BSN program online, faculty manager for an online program with over 1000 students and 150 instructors, preceptor for MSN, BSN, and ADN students. She also works with DNP, Ph.D., and Ed.D. students in the final phases of their programs. Additionally, she teaches MSN students in a Nurse Executive online program. She also Peer Reviews for Sage Publications.
Dr. Cornell's academic focus is to facilitate academic success for students accomplished through a collaborative and holistic approach to the teaching and learning process to enhance the student in accomplishing their educational goals. She promotes a learning environment where trust, communication, and respect are essential. She also uses knowledge and skills to encourage students to reach out when clarification is needed and promotes critical thinking through role modeling. She challenges yet guides. She thoroughly enjoys what she does.
Courses Taught
NURS 6053 - Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership
NURS 6201 - Leadership in Nursing and Health Care
NURS 6221 - Managing Human Resources
PhD, Capella University
MSN, Walden University
BSN, University of Michigan-Flint
AAS, Mott Community College
Public Service
Catholic Parish Mass Parishioner Care, Member - Davison
Disaster Planning Member, Member -
Awards / Honors
Daisy Award, , 2009
Pi Alpha, Mott College, 1981
Genesys Scholarly Recognition , Genesys Medical Center, 2008
Cornell, I. G. (2011). Test anxiety and academic performance in nursing: The effects of a test taking intervention.
Cornell, I. (2014). Digital Portfolios: Capturing the Journey. Rasmussen College
Cornell, I. (2015). Feast or Famine on Constructive Feedback. Rasmussen College