Holly Godwin

Program Director
Holly Godwin
College of Health Professions
Doctor of Public Health (DrPH)

Dr. Holly Godwin has been working in the field of public health for the past 18 years. She is currently the Associate Dean for the MPH and DrPH programs at Walden University and has served as the Academic Coordinator and in faculty and mentoring roles since 2011. Dr. Godwin has worked in structural interventions, research, and evaluation. She has done extensive work utilizing a systems-level approach to reducing obesity and improving nutrition. Prior to joining Walden, Dr. Godwin was the South Carolina Farm to Institution Director where she focused her efforts on securing Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funding to connect pre-schools, k-12 schools, and businesses to local food sources. Her publications and presentations focus on economic impact analysis, nutrition, and college health. Dr. Godwin received her masters and doctorate in public health from the University of South Carolina and her bachelors in science from Furman University.

Courses Taught

HLTH 1000 - Concepts of Health Promotion

HLTH 3115 - Public and Global Health

HLTH 2115 - Aging Across the Lifespan

HLTH 4205 - Introduction to Research Methods and Analysis

PUBH 3100 - Human Disease and Prevention


BS, Furman University

MS, University of South Carolina

PhD, University of South Carolina

Awards / Honors

Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society, University of South Carolina, 2007

Mother-Friendly Workplace Designation, , 2010


Godwin, H., Yenory, H., Katherine, C., Sarah, G. (2012). Statewide Collaboration for the Implementation of the South Carolina Farm to School Program. Journal of Nutrition, Education, and Behavior