Eva Reed

Core Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Dr. Reed has been providing professional counseling for 20 years, and began her counseling career serving underrepresented children and families living with emotional, mental, and physical disabilities. She has counseled adolescents in a residential treatment facility who were displaced, abused, or had intensive emotional adjustment issues. Dr. Reed has served as a career counselor and academic adviser for the diverse student body and alumni of a large northeastern university, and assisted in redefining the Rehabilitation major for specific foci in education, Dr. Reed conducted qualitative research on masculinity and counseling with young men, and has been engaged in research on student development. She has served the counseling profession by presenting at conferences and publishing research on self-injury, grief, managing stress, and identity development. Dr. Reed has served in private practice where she serves adolescents, adults, families and couples. She consults with other mental health providers and offers clinical supervision. Dr. Reed has been teaching with Walden's Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program for 13 years and greatly enjoys empowering burgeoning counselors.

Courses Taught

Coun 6722 - Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories

Coun 6723 - Multicultural Counseling

Coun 6720 - Diagnosis and Assessment


PhD, The Pennsylvania State University

MEd, The Pennsylvania State University



Public Service

American Association of University Women, Volunteer - State College

Awards / Honors

Edwin Herr Scholarship, PSU, 2008

Gamble Scholarship Recipient, PSU, 2002

Graham Scholarship Recipient, PSU, 2006

Muller Graduate Fellowship, PSU, 2008

Neible Scholarship Recipient, PSU, 2003

PSCA Scholarship Recipient, PSU, 2002

R. Mae Shultz Scholarship, PSU, 2007


Reed, E. E. (2014). Man-Up: Young men’s lived experiences and reflections on counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development


Reed, E. E. (2017). Fostering human connections: Strong group training practices. . AHC

, Reed, E., McDonald, K., , P. D., , S. H. (2011). From Counselor to Counselor Educator: Experiences with the transition from counselor education doctoral studies to counselor education faculty. . Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES)

Reed, E. E. (2015). Helping adults in career transition. AHC

Reed, E. E. (2012). Masculinity and perceptions of counseling. NARACES

Reed, E. E. (2016). Strategies for preparing counselors-in-training to lead groups online. SACES

Reed, E. E. (2012). WOW workshop: Getting your foot in the door to your practicum/internship site: Good resumes!! . Walden University

Reed, E. E. (2013). WOW workshop: Good resumes for professional placement. Walden University