Ellen Scales
Ellen Scales earned her Ph.D. in education, with a specialization in reading, writing and literacy, at the University of Pennsylvania in 1994. Ellen brings extensive experience as a teacher and administrator in PK-12 education, in higher education, and in educational consulting with school districts across the country. Ellen has worked with instructional coaching projects through the Annenberg Foundation and, in a new teacher project in Baltimore, Maryland. Since 2012, she has been working with doctoral students at Walden University and teaching in the Reading, Literacy and Assessment Ed.D. Program.
Courses Taught
EDDD 8060 - Issues&Trends in Reading&Literacy
EDUC 8542 - Literacy Leadership in Today's Schools
EDUC 8090 - Doctoral Study Intensive
PhD, University of Pennsylvania
MEd, Arcadia University
BA, Villanova University
Public Service
Discovery Charter School, Board Member - Philadelphia
Alliance for Progress Charter School, Board Member - Philadelphia
Scales, E. (2008). Education for Everyone: An asynchronous global distance education network.. Common Ground
Scales, E. B. (2008). Forging Online Communities: How many postings will it take?. Drexel University
Scales, E. B. (2008). Leading Virtually: Program administrators and leadership online. Coventry University