Elizabeth Ventura

Dr. Ventura is a qualitative researcher, trauma specialist, and counselor educator. She serves on local panels in her area regarding the implementation of care for traumatized children and adolescents and for individuals with co-occurring disorders. Dr. Ventura is a core faculty member in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Department at Walden University and primarily specializes in teaching counseling techniques. For over 9 years, Dr. Ventura has educated counselors in training, teaching a variety of courses across the graduate curriculum and encouraging graduate students to present professionally at local and national conferences. Dr. Ventura has a research agenda that focuses on counselor preparedness regarding trauma and crisis. Her professional counseling presentations have focused on educating professionals on pedagogical approaches to using clinical cases to increase the self- efficacy of counselors-in-training. Additionally, Dr. Ventura has published a DSM-5 Casebook that offers real world clinical cases and application for classroom instruction. Additionally, she has co-authored trauma textbooks and authored other trauma related chapters in professional counseling textbooks. Dr. Ventura has established crisis protocols for implementing school based therapy programs for children with emotional support needs related to self-injury and trauma. Dr. Ventura has been practicing clinically for over 15 years in a variety of treatment centers. Her training includes the Cleveland Clinic and Western Psychiatric Institute & Clinic in Pittsburgh, PA where she gained expertise in dual diagnosis, trauma theory, and mood disorders. Dr. Ventura is the President of her own private therapy practice and employs over 8 providers that offer trauma based services to children, adolescents, and adults. Given her research and clinical work. Dr. Ventura is a sought out expert in the area of child trauma and, as a qualified expert witness, she has testified in numerous trauma related cases and as a result, provides expert opinions regarding the impact of trauma related to children. Dr. Ventura regularly offers her time to students who are interested in similar areas of research and encourages them to attend and participate in conference presentations. She offers a licensing prep workshop for students through Walden University’s School of Counseling. This workshop series offers students the opportunity to access additional resources as they prepare for their state licensing exam.
PhD, Duquesne University
MS, Duquesne University
BS, John Carroll University
Awards / Honors
ACES Service and Clinical Excellence Award, , 2008
Ventura, E. M. (2021). Book Editor.
Ventura, E. M., Griffin, M. A. (2021). Case of Carol (in Chapter 16: Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders).
ventura, e. (2017). Casebook for DSM 5:Diagnosis and Treatment Planning.
Ventura, E. M. (2020). Crisis and Natural Disaster Counseling.
ventura, e. (2012). Integrative therapies in trauma counseling.
ventura, e. (2012). Integrative therapies in trauma counseling.