Edward Irobi
Edward Irobi is a Public Health Epidemiologist. He has been teaching for years at Walden University. Currently, he teaches Biostatistics/SPSS in the Master of Public Health (MPH) Program. Edward Irobi also serves the Walden Alumni representative for the MPH accreditation Committee. He had for years worked as a researcher in local, national and international settings. His major work accomplishment was in molecular biological studies involving actin binding proteins, genetic cancer epidemiology research involving breast cancer, and workplace occupational health research. His top research papers were published by EMBO Journal, STRUCTURE, FEBS LETTERS, CDC MMWR, among others.
Courses Taught
PUBH 6033 - Interpretation and Application of Public Health Data
PUBH 6032 - SPSS Revealed
BS, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Master of Medical Science (M.Meds.Sc), Uppsala University, Sweden
MPH, Walden University
PhD, Walden University
Awards / Honors
Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS), Federation of European Biochemical Society, 2004
Federation of European Cytoskeleton Association Co, Federation of European Biochemical Society, 2004
Member, Golden Key International Honour Society, Golden Key International Honour Society, 2013
NIH - Cancer Research Intern Fellowship award, National Institutes of Health, 2011