Eboni Green
Dr. Eboni I. Green is a Registered Nurse and holds bachelor’s and master's degrees in healthcare administration from Bellevue University. She completed her PhD at Capella University where her primary focus was also Healthcare Administration, with an emphasis on family and frontline caregiving. Dr. Green is a Core Research Faculty member for the Doctor of Healthcare Administration program in the College of Health Professions at Walden University.
Green has extensive experience in long-term care, specifically leadership and quality assurance. She is a licensed long-term care administrator and a nursing assistant teacher trainer, working in Skilled Care in the hospital setting, homecare, and nursing homes. Over the years, Dr. Green has contributed to several publications and given presentations that focus on leadership in healthcare, wellness, and the recruitment and retention of front-line direct care workers.
Courses Taught
MMHA 6200 - Principles of Population Health in Healthcare Administration
MMHA 6800 - Marketing Management and Business Communications for Healthcare Administrators
MMHA 6900 - Healthcare Quality Management
MS, Bellevue University
PhD, Capella University
Public Service
Forum on Spirituality and Aging , Chair - San Francisco
International Conference on Aging and Spirituality 2017 in partnership with Concordia University. , Committee Member - Chicago
LAIN Editorial Committee, Committee Member -
Awards / Honors
Senior Faculty , Walden University , 2017
Faculty Scholarship Award, , 2018
Green, E. (2018). Understanding Grief : A Guide for Grieving Caregivers .
Green, E. (2018). Contributing author, Foreword and resource chapter.
Green, E. (2017). Reflections from the Soul.
Green, E. (2017). Caregiving in the New Millennium 3rd edition .
Green, E. (2016). RightConversations.
Green, E. (2011). At the Heart of the Matter.
Green, E. (2019). The Spiritual Journey of Caregiving: Four Questions to Frame your Pilgrimage. The Down Syndrome Network
Green, E. (2019). Supportive Practices for Grieving Caregivers. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
Green, E. (2019). Understanding Grief. Presented . American Society on Aging
Green, E. (2019). From Isolation to Community Fellowship. American Society on Aging
Green, E. (2019). Empowerment Makes a Difference: A Case Manager's Approach to Assisting Family Caregivers Achieve Optimum Wellness. Case Management Society of America