Diane Whitehead

Academic Coordinator
College of Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Diane Whitehead received her undergraduate nursing degree from Florida State University, her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Miami, and her doctorate in education from Florida International University. She holds a second doctorate in nursing practice from Walden University. She has experience teaching and administering associate degree, bachelor, and graduate nursing programs for many years. She is an academic program coordinator for the DNP program at Walden University College of Nursing. She was selected for the College of Nursing and Walden University faculty excellence awards in 2020. Dr. Whitehead has published in the areas of nursing leadership and management. Her leadership textbooks Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management and Leadership for the Advanced Practice Nurse have been used in nursing programs for over a decade. She was a co-editor for Health Promotion for Advanced Practice Nurses, Advancing Organizations through Exemplary Nursing Leadership. Dr. Whitehead is a Fellow in the Academy of Nurse Educators.

Courses Taught

NURS 8110 - Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing

NURS 8410 - Best Practices In Nursing Specialties

NURS 8400 - Evidence-Based Practice I: Assessment and Design

NURS 8500 - Evidence-Based Practice II: Planning and Implementation

NURS 8510 - Evidence-Based Practice III: Implementation, Evaluation, and Dissemination


EdD, Florida International University

DNP, Walden University

MSN, University Miami

BS, Florida State University

Public Service

National Autism Society, Participant - Rosslyn

Awards / Honors

100 Most Inflential Women in Broward County, , 2009

South FL Org Nurse Excutives Leader of the Year, , 2006

Professor of the Year College of Nursing, Nova Southeastern University, 2013

Nurse Executives Leader of the Year, South FL Organization Nurse Executives, 2006

Heavy Hitter in Healthcare, , 2007

Fellow Academy Nursing Education NLN, , 2008

Fellow Academy Nursing Education National League, Nova southeastern University, 2008

Community Service Award, University of Miami, 1989

Adjunct Faculty of the Year Univ Phoenix, , 1999

100 Most Influential Women in Broward County, Women in Distress, 2009

100 Most Inflential Women in Broward County, , 2009


Whitehead, D. (2014). Tobacco Cessation for Advanced Practice Nurses. Nurse Educator

Whitehead, D., , D. P., , M. D. (2017). Leadership and the Advanced Practice Nurse.

Whitehead, D., , F. M. (2021). Health Promotion: Translating Evidence to Practice.

Whitehead, D., Fraire, M. (2019). Reducing Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults with a Nursing Prevention Protocol. MEDSURG Nursing

Bryant, L. E., Whitehead, D. (2010). Teaching Evidence-based Practice. .

Whitehead, D., Sandiford, J. (1998). Characteristics of effective clinical and theory instructors as perceived by LPN to RN students and generic students in an associate degree nursing program. Journal of Health Occupations Education

Whitehead, D., Knee, R. (2000). Developing an online associate degree in nursing program. Nurse Educator

Bryant, L. E., Whitehead, D. (2016). Development and Testing of an Instrument to Measure Informatics Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes among Entry-level Nursing Students. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics

Whitehead, D. (2002). The Nursing Shortage: An Online Approach. Journal of Innovation and Quality Management in Higher Education

Tappen, R., Whitehead, D., Folden, S., Hall, R. (2003). Effect of a video intervention on functional recovering following hip replacement and hip fracture repair. Rehabilitation Nursing

Whitehead, D., Knee, R. (1999). Enhancing nursing education with the World Wide Web. Journal of Health Occupations


Whitehead, D., Long, J. (2016). Understanding Evidence Based Practice. Walden University

Whitehead, D. (2015). Tobacco Cessation Training for Advanced Practice Nurses. Baptist Health

Whitehead, D. (2015). Nursing Consortium of South Florida Education Conference. . Nursing Consortium of South Florida Education Conference.

Whitehead, D. (2015). Nurse Faculty Role and Expectations. . Nursing Consortium of South Florida

Whitehead, D., Lenhart, K. (2017). Leadership Strategies for Advancing Evidence Based Practice. Walden University

Whitehead, D. (2018). Leadership for Self, Others, and the Organization. Nursing Consortium South Florida

Whitehead, D., Long, J. (2017). Introduction to Evidence Based Practice. Cristus Trinity Mother Francis Health System

Whitehead, D. (2017). Developing Your Faculty Scholarship Role. Frontier Nursing

Whitehead, D. (2006). Creative Partnerships produce nursing faculty for Florida. American Association Colleges of Nursing