Derrick Copper
Dr. Derrick “T.C.” Copper was born in Plainfield, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Walden University, volunteered as a Graduate Assistant for Doctoral Candidates, and joined the Walden Staff as an adjunct professor in September 2003.
Dr. Copper’s assignments include, working at Lyon’s VA Hospital, Rutgers Mental Health Center, and Pikes Peak Mental Health as a Mental Health Specialist. In December 1980, he was selected to work for the Department of Defense Army, Army Substance Abuse Program. Within the scope of the Army Substance Abuse Program, Dr. Copper has held the positions of Alcohol and Drug Counselor and Clinical Director with an emphasis on individual counseling, group counseling, and family dynamics. As a Prevention Coordinator and Employee Assistance Program Administrator, emphasis was placed on prevention education, crisis intervention and debriefings, and prevention of workplace violence. In the capacity of Chief of the Army Substance Abuse Program, Dr. Copper’s responsibilities included program and clinical management. Dr. Copper’s assignment as Risk Reduction Coordinator for the US Army, Monterey, CA, involved working with deployed and redeployed soldiers and their family members.
Dr. Copper holds certifications in Biofeedback/EEG and Hypnotherapy; and is a Licensed Massage Therapist. His interests extend to alternative medicine and experiential learning.
BA, University of Colorado
MEd, Cambridge College
PhD, Walden University
Public Service
Father to Son, Volunteer - Tampa
Father to Son, Volunteer - Tampa
Awards / Honors
Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology, Psi Chi National Honor Society, 2002
Director's Prevention Coordinator of the Year, Professional Activities, 2007
Copper, D. W. (2008). Stress reduction and anxiety coping style: The efficacy of short-term stress reduction interventions as a function of anxiety coping style in females..
Copper, D. W. (2006). Critical Incident Stress Debriefing for the Professional. European Branch American Counseling Association