Debra Rose Wilson

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Psychology

Dr. Wilson is a health psychologist and a nurse. She has worked for many years gaining expertise in public health, obstetrics, epidemiology, breastfeeding trends, wellness, disease prevention, psychology and nursing education. Seeking to view health from outside the western model, Debra completed a Master of Science in Holistic Nursing, then with a focus on Psycho-neuro-immunology completed a PhD in Health Psychology. Debra has worked in maternal/infant health, public health, and program development. With over 200 publications, research experience includes healing for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, autoimmune disease, breastfeeding, and women’s health. Debra’s current research areas include stress, stress management, autoimmune disease, the nursing profession, and immune function. She was been the managing editor of the International Journal of Childbirth Education from 2011 to 2019. Debra has taught graduate courses in psychoneuroimmunology, holistic nursing, biopsychology, stress & coping, complementary & alternative therapies, qualitative research, mental health nursing, health care policy, stress & coping, as well as other courses for both graduate psychology and undergraduate nursing schools. Debra has a private practice as a holistic nurse providing grief counseling, clinical hypnosis, and lactation consulting. She was awarded the American Holistic Nurse of the Year 2017 to 2018. She is a life-long learner seeking a further education in physics, is teaching at Austin Peay University and Walden University, and with over 200 formal presentations including key notes, is an internationally known speaker on stress and self-care.

Courses Taught

PYCH 8747 - Psychoneuroimmunology

RSCH 8360 - Advanced qualitative


PhD, Walden University

MSN, Tennessee State University

BS, Lakehead University

BA, Lakehead University

Public Service

Sharing of Middle Tennessee , Board Member - Nashville

Awards / Honors

American Holistic Nurse of the Year. 2017-2018, American Holistic Nurses Association, 2017

Harold Love Outstanding Community Service Award, State of Tennessee, 2011

American Holistic Nurses Association Service Award. , American Holistic Nurses Association, 2016

March of Dimes Nurse of the Year for Nursing Education category, March of Dimes, 2015

2003 AND 2004. (Given this commendation twice), United States Military, 2004

Certificate of Achievement for Outstanding Holist, Tennessee State University, 2002

Certificate of Achievement for Outstanding Qualita, Tennessee State University, 2002

Commendation from the United States Army for provi, U. S. Armed Forces, 2003

Community Service Award: 2016 Faculty Engaged Scholar Award , Tennessee State University, 2016

Distinguished Educator in Distance Learning Award, Middle Tennessee State University, 2012

March of Dimes Nurse of the Year for Nursing Education category, March of Dimes, 2015

MTSU Outstanding Public Service Award 2012-2013. , Middle Tennessee State University, 2013

Outstanding Instructor Award from Students. Tennessee Student Nurse's Association, Student Union , 2000

Outstanding faculty, Tennessee Student Nurse's Association, 2012

The Richard M. Hawkins Award , Austin Peay State University, 2020


Butler, K., Moran, H., Wilson, D. R. (2024). ACL Injury in Young Athletes. Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing

Wilson, D. R. (2022). A day in the life of a holistic educator and researcher. Beginnings: A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association

Hickson, S., Wilson, D. R., Binford, L. (2023). Alteration of the Gut Microbiota and Its Effects on Autism Spectrum Disorders.. Tennessee Nurse

Wilson, D., Cooper, C., Plunk, K., Severson, M. (2016). Overcoming breastfeeding challenges. Clinical Lactation: Official Journal of the United States Lactation Consultant Association

Finch, M., Wilson, D., Symonds, K., Tune, K. (2014). Being Interviewed for a BSN program: A qualitative analysis. Advances in Nursing

Dillard, D., Wilson, D. (2014). Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Immune Function and Disease Processes. Current Nursing Journal

Drick, C. A., Robertson, S., Wilson, D., Long, M., Rhoades, A., Laugeman, L., Muzio, L., Fink, A. (2018). A call to service: Holistic nurses reflect on sharing their gifts and receiving in return. Beginnings: A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association

Wilson, D., Wilson, W. A. (2008). A Holistic Approach to Research through Mixed Methods. The Journal of Community and Health Sciences

Wilson, D. R. (2023). Moving to Holism: A Cog in the Wheel. Beginnings: A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association

Wilson, D. (2010). A Neighborhood that Never Changes: Gentrification, Social Preservation, and the Search for Authenticity. by J. Brown-Saracino . Journal of Social Science

Wilson, D. Adolescent Depression by F. M. Mondimore and P. Kelly. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D. R. (2022). Energetic Interconnectiveness: Quantum world in health. Chapter in 8th edition of Holistic Nursing

Fako, T. T., Nkhukhu-Orlando, E., Wilson, D., Forcheh, N., Linn, J. G. (2018). Factors Associated with Organizational Commitment of Academic Employees in Botswana.. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies

Wilson, D., Wilson, W. (2018). American Dunkirk: The Waterborne Evacuation of Manhattan on 9/11, by James Kendra and Tricia Wachtendorf. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. (2018). An Interview with Dr. Debra Rose Wilson, Holistic Nurse of the Year 2017 -2018. Beginnings: A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association

Linn, J. G., Wilson, D., Fako, T. T. (2016). Benchmark Qualitative Study of Health Service Delivery in Botswana in 1989: Nurse Assessments of the Primary Healthcare System before the Nationwide Spread of HIV/AIDS. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research

Rice, M. E., Shank, B., Clark, T., Robertson, M., Hamlin, A., Ruffin, T., Wilson, D. R. (2021). Caring During COVID-19: Nursing Education. Tennessee Nurse

Eckenrode, J., Zimmerman, K., Rice, M. E., Wilson, D. R. (2021). Characteristics of nurses who work with dying infants and their families. Pediatric Surgical Nursing

Matavel, J. M., Wilson, D. R., Munguambe, K., Loquiha, O., Linn, J. G. (2021). Cross-cultural adaptation of an intimate partner violence screening tool (WAST) for the Mozambican context; Implications for more effective HIV prevention and treatment counseling. International Journal of Psychology and Counseling

Wilson, D. (2019). An Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology: Adaptations, Structures, Meanings by D. W. Haines. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2019). And a New Year Begins. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Parsons, L. (2010). As Time Goes By, by A. Trafford. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. (2015). Being Technically Proficient. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2016). Being with or doing to? . International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2006). Between Stress and Hope: From a disease-centered to a health centered perspective. Journal of the National Medical Association

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2011). Beyond Suppression: Global Perspectives on Youth Violence by J. S. Hoffman, L. Knox, & R. Cohen. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D. (2012). Birthing Traditions in Tibetan Culture: Exploring Current Applications of Ancient Wisdom. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Book review: Dying Well: Our journey of love and loss . Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Book Review. Digital Dead End. Social Science Journal

Linn, J. G., Wilson, D. R., Chuagqui, J. (2023). Book Review. Innovations in Global Mental Health, by Samuel O. Okpaku. . Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2018). Breastfeeding, the Gold Standard. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2010). Breastfeeding: A women's health issue. AHNA Beginnings

Wilson, D., Brooks, E. (2018). Car Seats. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Rice, M. E., Shank, B., Clark, T., Robertson, M., Hamlin, A., Ruffin, T., Wilson, D. R. (2021). Caring During COVID-19: Nursing Education (reprint in AZ). South Dakota Nurse

Rice, M. E., Shank, B., Clark, T., Robertson, M., Hamlin, A., Ruffin, T., Wilson, D. R. (2021). Caring During COVID-19: Nursing Education (reprint with another state). Arizona Nurse

Binford, L., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Caring for Families with a History of Reproductive Challenges. Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing

Ward, K., Wilson, D. (2018). Caring for patients with mental health issues: Strategies for all nurses (2nd edition).

Wilson, D. R. (2018). Caring through compassion. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2005). Cesarean Recovery. Journal of the National Medical Association

Wilson, D. (2018). Changes of Season. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2012). Changing Paradigms: Non Traditional Families. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2012). Changing Paradigms: Non Traditional Families. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2015). Children, Spirituality, Loss and Recovery by J. Bellous. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2017). Common Discomforts of Pregnancy vs. Warning Signs. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D., Parsons, L. (2012). Contemplative Aging – A Way of Being in Later Life by E. Sherman. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Linn, J. G., Alencar, A., Arredondo, E., Wilson, D. R., Sommers, G. (2021). COVID-19 and Access to Health Services in Chile.

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Crack the Code: 10 Proven Secrets that Motivate Healthy Behavior and Inspire Fulfillment in Men Over 50 . Activities, Adaptation, and Aging Journal

Matavel, J., Munguambe, K., Wilson, D. R., Linn, J. G., Loquiha, , O. (2023). Cross-cultural adaptation of an intimate partner violence screening tool (WAST) for the Mozambican context; implications for more effective HIV prevention and treatment counseling. Scientific African

Wilson, D. R. (2020). Do you know about the aronia berry? . Beginnings

Wilson, D., Warise, L. (2008). Cytokines and their role in depression. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care

Fako, T. T., Wilson, D., Linn, J. G., Forcheh, N., Nkhukhu, E., Harris, M. A. (2014). Desire to work in an organization forever among university employees in Botswana. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research

Wilson, D. R. (2011). Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age by V. Eubanks. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. (2015). Do you know your carbon footprint? . International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Severson, M. (2010). Doula’s Guide to Birthing Your Way by J. S. Mallak & T. F. Bailey. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D., Dillard, D. (2013). Eating better to help manage chronic stress. American Nurse Today

Wilson, D. R. (2009). Eating right for Stress management. . Screenings: Fort Frances Division News

Wilson, D. (2014). Eating well in pregnancy. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Editorial: The Needs of Others. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2011). Editorial. The First Issue is Born. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Dillard, D., Wilson, D. (2014). Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Immune Function and Disease Processes. Current Nursing Journal

Wilson, D., Shields, D. (2016). Energy.

Wilson, D. (2016). Exercise for Health. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Hix, C. (2009). Face to face with Katrina survivors: A first responder’s tribute by L. A. Moyé . Journal of the National Medical Association

Wilson, D. (2015). Fatherhood. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2014). Fear: Across the Disciplines. by Jan Plamper and Benjamin Lazier. Journal of Social Science

Wilson, D. R. (2009). Global Health by M. Nichter . Social Science Journal

Linn, J. G., Wilson, D. R. (2012). Global Health Issues.

Wilson, D., Blocker, J. (2018). Global Perspective of Infectious Disease. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2022). Global Wellness: Nursing & Our Planet. . Beginnings: A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association

Wilson, D. (2012). Grief. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2013). Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bringing Research and Practice by R. A. Neimeyer, D. L. Harris, H. R. Winokuer, & G. F Thorton. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. (2014). Grief and health. Sharing Magazine: Touching lives, healing hearts, giving hope. Newsletter of Share (Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support)

Wilson, D. R., Colvin, D. J. (2011). Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer's Patients and Their Families, P. Otwell . Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2010). Handbook of Psychosocial Interventions with Older Adults. by S. M. Cummings & N. P. Kropf . Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Linn, J. G., Wilson, D. R., Chuaqui, J., Fako, T. T. (2020). Hazardous Waste, Health Problems, and Personal Well-being: An International Perspective.

Wilson, D., Reed Suggs, L. (2012). Heal Your Mind: Rewire Your Brain: Applying the exciting new science of brain synchrony for creativity, peace, and presence. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. (2010). Health Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care

Danawi, H., Estrada, L., Hasbini, T., Wilson, D. (2016). Health Inequalities and Breastfeeding in the United States of America. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Help your executor before you leave . Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Linn, J. F., Wilson, D., Fako, T. T. (2015). Historical role of the father. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Humor as a nursing intervention. Elite

Fako, T., Wilson, D., Linn, J. G., Forcheh, N. (2013). HIV/AIDS Care, Coping Strategies and Work Environmental Stress Among Nurses in Botswana. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery

Wilson, D. (2019). Home Health Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

TBA, T., Wilson, D. (2018). Humor in Health Care: The Laughter Prescription.

Wilson, D. (2016). Hypnobirth by Yulia Watters. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D., Finken, D. (2017). Hypnobirthing. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Pappas, J., Taylor, R. (2024). Hypnosis and Pain. The American Nurse Journal

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2011). I Know it’s Dangerous: Why Mexicans Risk Their Lives to Cross the Border . Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2010). Incurable and intolerable: chronic disease and slow death in nineteenth-century France. by J. Szabo . Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D. R., Cooper, C. (2009). Letters to My Sisters: Plain truths and straightforward advice from a Gynecologist by Ngozi Osuagwu . Journal of the National Medical Association

Wilson, D. (2018). Looking forward. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2016). Making Change. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Ward, K., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Management of Anxiety and Depression for Healthcare. Professionals - N57062. Online Peer-reviewed requested course that offers Continuing Nursing Education. .

Ward, K., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Management of PTSD for Healthcare Professionals - N57063. Online Peer-reviewed requested course that offers Continuing Nursing Education..

Ward, K., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Managing Difficult Patients for Healthcare Professionals - N57067. Online Peer-reviewed requested course that offers Continuing Nursing Education. .

Wilson, D. (2017). Measuring comfort holistically. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2009). Meat, Modernity, and the Rise of the Slaughterhouse by P. Y. Lee . Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2007). Memory repression in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The Journal of Community and Health Sciences

Wilson, D. (2014). Mindful Celebration: Its good for you. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2018). Mind: A journey to the heart of being human by D. J. Siegel. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D., Dillard, D. (2015). Mindful eating: Body, Mind, and Oxytocin. Beginnings

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Narratives of positive aging: Seaside stories . Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2013). New Year’s Resolutions. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2017). Nonviolent Struggle: Theories, Strategies, & Dynamics, by Sharon E. Nepstad. Social Science Journal

Weatherspoon, D. L., Sullivan, D. D., Wilson, D. R., Parsons, L. C. (2014). Nurse Delegation Decision Making.

Sullivan, V., Wilson, D. R., Hughes, V. (2022). Nursing Burnout and the Impact on Health. Nursing Clinics of North America

Warise, L., Wilson, D. R. (2009). Obesity in Children: A Case for Tennessee. Journal of Community and Health Services

Wilson, D. R., Lindsey, B. (2011). On Duty: Politics, and the History of Nursing in New Jersey by F. Ward. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D., Cooper, C., Plunk, K., Severson, M. (2016). Overcoming breastfeeding challenges. Clinical Lactation: Official Journal of the United States Lactation Consultant Association

Wilson, D., Vidal, B., Wilson, W. A., Salyer, S. (2012). Overcoming sequelae of childhood sexual abuse with stress management. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Wilson, D. (2016). Parse’s Nursing Theory and its Application to Families Experiencing Empty Arms. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2009). Patient Listening: A Doctor’s Guide by L. Herwaldt . Journal of the National Medical Association

Binford, L., Butler, K., Meyer, C., Rice, M. E., Wilson, D. R. (2024). Perception of the nursing profession after COVID-19: POV of those entering. Nursing Education Perspectives

Wilson, D., Wilson, W. (2016). Physical Activity and Mental health by A. Chow & S. Edmunds. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2007). Positive Aging by R. D. Hill . Activities, Adaptation & Aging

Kuper, D. R., Wilson, D. (1992). Pregnancy and amusement park rides. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2011). Preparing adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse for pregnancy, labor, and delivery. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2014). Prevention of obesity is part of childbirth education. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Linn, J. G., Wilson, D., Fako, T., Forcheh, N. (2012). Professional, Social, and Psychological Correlates of HIV/AIDS Care Involvement among Nurses in Botswana. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research

Wilson, D. R., Ward, K. S. (2013). Psych Pharm: An interactive learning tool. . Nursing Education Perspectives

Wilson, D. R. (2022). Psychoneuroimmunology.

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2011). Public Health Law & Ethics: A Reader by L. O. Gostin. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D. R. (2022). Random Families: Genetic Strangers, Sperm Donor Siblings, and the Creation of New Kin, by R. Hertz, R. & M. K. Nelson. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D., Wilson, W. (2017). Razz Ma Tazz: My Life in Music, Television and Film by Stan Zabka. Activities, Adaptation & Aging

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Reducing stress and anxiety in pregnancy. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Warise, L., Eicher, D. (2009). Ritual and its consequences: An essay on the limits of sincerity by A. B. Seligman, R. P. Weller, M. H. Puett, & B. Simon. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D., Held, S. (2014). Screening for breast cancer feared a risk factor. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R., Faulkner, M. (2023). Self-hypnosis. Beginnings: A Publication of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association

Meyer, C., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Sleep and Health . Tennessee Nurse

Meyer, C. K., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Sleep and Health (Reprint in New York Nurse). New York Nurse

Wilson, D., Brooks, E. J. (2018). Sleep and Immune Function. Beginnings

Wilson, D., Brooks, E. J. (2018). Sleep and Immune Function. Beginnings

Rice, M. E., Wilson, D. R. (2023). Stress and Health. Tennessee Nurse: The Voice for Professional Nursing in Tennessee since 1905

Wilson, D. (2010). Stress Management for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Holistic Inquiry. Western Journal of Nursing Research

Wilson, D., Dillard, D. (2017). Subduing Stress: A physiology based approach. American Nurse Today

Binford, L., Rice, M. E., Hamlin, A., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Supporting parents through a cleft palate. Journal of Pediatric Nursing

Zangaro, G. A., Dulko, D., Sullivan, D. D., Weatherspoon, D. L., White, K., Hall, V. P., Squellati, R. E., Donnelli, A. L., James, J., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Systematic Review of Burnout in US Nurses. Burnout in Nursing: Causes, Management, and Future Directions. Nursing Clinics of North America,

Hamlin, A., Robertson, M., Wilson, D. R. (2022). Tanner Stages and Pubertal Development. Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing

Kadri, M. R., Wilson, D., Schweickardt, J. C., Linn, J. G., Guimarães, L. N., Moreira, A., Lima, R. T. (2017). The "Igaraçu" Fluvial Mobile Clinic: Lessons Learned While Implementing an Innovative Primary Care Approach in Rural Amazonia, Brazil. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery

Wilson, D. R. (2019). The 36-hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People who have Alzheimer’s Disease, Other Dementia, and Memory Loss . Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. R. (2019). The Affective Commitment of Academics in a University in Botswana. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies

Wilson, D. (2010). The Botswana “I am Proud to be a Nurse” campaign. The Tennessee Nurse: The voice for professional nursing in Tennessee since 1905

Wilson, D. (2011). The Culture of Teenage Mothers by J. Gregson. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Jordon, P., Wilson, D. (2018). The Dementia Caregiver, by Marc E. Agronin.

Clark, T., Butler, K., Wilson, D. R. (2024). The Gut Microbiome and Health. American Nurse

Wilson, D. R., Binford, L., Hickson, S. (2024). The gut microbiome and its connections to mental health. Journal of Holistic Nursing

Wilson, D. R., Binford, L. (2023). The gut microbiome and our roles as holistic nurses. Beginnings

Wilson, D. R. (2011). The I am Proud to be a Nurse Campaign. Western Social Science Association NEWS

Wilson, D. R. (2010). The Image of Nursing in Botswana. Society to Advancement of Modeling and Role Modeling Nursing Theory: Newsletter

Wilson, D., Feringa, G. (2011). The Image of Nursing in Botswana. American Holistic Nurses' Association Magazine: Beginnings

Wilson, D. R., Bruyere, M. (2010). The Last Adventure of Life: Sacred Resources for Living and Dying from a Hospice Counselor by Maria Dancing Heart . Activities, Adaptation & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. (2017). The Little Book of Big Mind Benders by Scott Kim. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D., Severson, M. (2012). The long-term health consequences of being sexual abused as a child. American Nurse Today

Wilson, D. (2019). The placebo: A reader, edited by F. G. Miller, L. Colloca, R. A. Crouch, & T. J. Kaptchuk. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D. R. (2019). The Pursuit of Justice: Law and Economics of Legal Institutions. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. (2017). The Role of the Family in Defining and Managing Disability of Persons with Schizophrenia in Chile: Meeting Objective and Subjective Criteria of Social Inclusion. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

Wilson, D., Harris, J. (2012). The Rural Health Care . The Journal of Rural Health

Wilson, D. (2017). The spectrum of family caregiving for adults and elders with chronic illness, edited by J. E. Gaugler & M. M. Hilgeman. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Wilson, D. (2018). The Thinking Skills Workbook 4th edition, by M. Languirand and Lynn Tondat Ruggeri. Activities, Adaptation, & Aging Journal

Sutton, L., Butler, K., Wilson, D. R. (2022). The Turnover in Nursing. Tennessee Nurse

Wilson, D., Wilson, W. A. (2012). The use of acupuncture in the childbearing period. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2016). Thinking Globally. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2017). Tips for Getting Published in Peer Reviewed Journals. Journal of ECronicon Psychology and Psychiatry

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2010). Twenty-first Century Plague: The Story of SARS by T. Abraham. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

Wilson, D. R., Wilson, W. A. (2010). Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality, by Loïc Wacquant. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. (2017). Use evidence to help guide your practice. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D., Dillard, D. (2012). Use of hypnosis in the childbearing year. International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. (2017). What else don’t we know? . International Journal of Childbirth Education

Wilson, D. R. (2011). What is Addiction? Edited by D. Ross, K. Kincaid. D. Spurrett, & P. Collins. Social Science Journal

Wilson, D. (2016). Wings of Hope. The Tennessee Nurse

Moran, H., Wilson, D. R. (2023). Workplace Wellness: Toxic Work Environments in Nursing. . Tennessee Nurse


Wilson, D. R. (2023). Moving to Holism: A Turn of the Cog. AHNA

Wilson, D. R. (2023). Certification in Guided Imagery. AHNA

Wilson, D. R. (2014). A Holistic Model of Trauma: Long Term Outcomes of CSA.. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2018). Advanced Sciences of Health and Holism #202. American Holistic Nurses Association

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Alternatives to opioids. University of Chattanooga, School of Nursing, Tennessee

Wilson, D. R., Schultes, A. (2021). Antioxidants and health: The Aronia berry. AHNA

Wilson, D. R. (2018). Quantum Theory: Connections to Health. American Holistic Nurses Association

Wilson, D. R. (2020). Aronia Berry, Antioxidants, and Chronic Disease. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2021). Aronia Berry, Antioxidants, and Chronic Disease. WSSA

Wilson, D. R. (2013). Long Term Health Outcomes of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Aronia Berry: Health Benefits. . Midwest Aronia Berry Grower’s Association

Wilson, D. R. (2014). Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Sigma Theta Tau/Tennessee Nurses Association

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Autoimmune disorders over the life. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2015). Benefits of Breastfeeding. Tennessee Tech University

Wilson, D. R. (2015). Breastfeeding to promote lifelong health. . Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2011). Caring for Self and Other with Stress Management. Professional Nurse Educators’ Group

Wilson, D. R. (2011). Caring for Self as Caregivers. . National Nephrology Nurse’s Association

Wilson, D. R. (2019). CBD and THC: What Health Care Professionals Need to Know.. AMA

Wilson, D. R. (2015). Common Problems in Breastfeeding. . Tennessee Tech University

Wilson, D. R. (2014). Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Sigma Theta Tau/Tennessee Nurses Association

Wilson, D. R. (2019). COVID and caring for the health care professionals. American Holistic Nurses’ Association: In response to COVID and 2020, the year of the nurse

Wilson, D. R. (2023). Dealing with families who strongly disagree with medical teams’ treatment plan for pain control. Tennessee End-of-Life Partnership (TELP)

Wilson, D. R. (2018). Evidence on Health Benefits of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Products Educational Session webinar. . Healthline

Wilson, D. R. (2022). Health Psychology: Be Eclectic. . Walden

Wilson, D. R. (2013). Holistic Medicine. Tennessee Nurses' Association TASN

Wilson, D. R. (2022). Holistic Nursing.

Wilson, D. R. (2023). Holistic nursing and quantum physics. . TNA

Wilson, D. R. (2023). Hypnosis and Pain Management. AHNA

Wilson, D. R., Faulkner, M. (2022). Hypnosis as an intervention in chronic disease and disability.

Wilson, D. R. (2023). Hypnosis for chronic pain. WSSA

Wilson, D. R. (2013). Long Term Health Outcomes of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. (2016). Making Change: The Botswana I am proud to be a nurse campaign. Sigma Theta Tau

Wilson, D. R. (2013). Managing Stress. . American Dialysis Nurses’ Association. Annual conference

Bone, R., Harris, J., Wilson, D. R. (2017). Medical Marijuana for Anxiety: What Does the Research Say?. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2017). Medical Marijuana for Seizures and Palsy: What Does the Research Say? . Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2019). Medical Use of CBD for pain. Western Social Science Association

Butler, K., Wilson, D. R. (2023). Mindfulness: Visualizing Holistic Wellness. AHNA

Wilson, D. R. (2015). MS and Stress. Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. R. (2012). Overcoming Breastfeeding Challenges: A qualitative study. American Holistic Nurses Association

Wilson, D. R. (2014). Overcoming Breastfeeding Challenges. Sigma Theta Tau/Tennessee Nurses Association

Wilson, D. R. (2012). Overcoming breastfeeding challenges. . Western Social Science Association

Wilson, D. (2016). Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges. United States Lactation Consultant’s Association

Wilson, D. R., Shultes, A. (2022). Oxidative Stress: Why Didn’t I Know About the Aronia Berry?. AHNA

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