David Goodman

Dr. David Goodman has been teaching at Walden University since 2019 but has been an educator since 1995. He lives in Fairfield Iowa with his wife Dr. Rachel Goodman. His background is in Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior. He is an amateur photographer.
Courses Taught
MGMT 8100 - Dissertation Mentoring
MGMT 9000 - Dissertation Research Forum
RSCH 8451 - Advanced Mixed-Methods Reasoning and Analysis
PhD, Maharishi University of Management
MBA, Maharishi International University
BA, McGill University
Public Service
Fairfield Entrepreneurs Asssociation, Board Member - Fairfield
Maharishi Foundation, Other - Bettendorf
Awards / Honors
, Small Business Administration for Eastern Iowa, 1999
Goodman, D. H. (2003). Customer Satisfaction is based on Managing Expectations. CCS & CCSI Forum
Goodman, D. H. (1999). Issues and Directions for HR in the New Millennium: Implications for HR of the Migration from Production to Knowledge Worker. IHRIM Journal
Goodman, D. H. (2002). Ethics in business-the basis for long-term sustainability. CCS & CCSI Forum
Goodman, D. H. (2003). Understanding the basis of competition. CCS & CCSI Forum
Goodman, D. H. (2013). Comparison between capital intensive clean-tech solutions, and low-tech permaculture solutions”. Maharishi University of Management
Goodman, D. H. (2012). How Finance Decisions Result in Short-Term Non-sustainable Solutions.. Maharishi University of Management
Goodman, D. H. (2011). Panel Discussion: Toward Global Sustainability: Transcending Western-Finance and Eastern-Management Teaching Differences.. Academy of Management Annual Meeting