Crestie Smith
Dr. Crestie Smith's formal training is in teacher leadership where she has served in various roles over her 30 year career. Dr. Smith has held leadership roles in a variety of K-12 settings as well as several universities. She has also enjoyed a close relationship with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards over the last 25 years, maintaining certification as well as consulting. Dr. Smith has worked 20+ years in higher education positions related to teacher leadership, curriculum design, and assessment at both online and brick and mortar schools. At Walden University, she teaches a variety of courses in The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership and has served on numerous committees and projects to further the university's goals. Dr. Smith’s current research interests focus primarily on support and retention of international students in online/distance learning. She has presented at numerous conferences including the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, the Association for Middle Level Education, and the Model Schools Conference.
Courses Taught
EDUC 6610 - Teacher as Professional
EDUC 6640 - Designing Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
EDUC 6730 - Curriculum Design and Assessment
EDUC 6647 - Dynamic Teacher Leadership
EDUC 6650 - Enhancing Learning Through Linguistic and Cultural Diversity
EDUC 6651 - Increasing Learning and Achievement
EDUC 6657 - Creating an Effective Classroom learning Emvironment
EDUC 6659 - Teacher Leadership in Professional Learning Communities
EDUC 6674 - Designing Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for Students with Special Needs
EDUC 6731 - Assessment for Student Learning
EDUC 6733 - Action Research for Educators
EDUC 6157 - Understanding Institutions: Organizational Behavior and Culture
EDUC 6156 - Understanding Students
EDUC 6760 - Facilitation Online Learning
EDUC 6754 - Administration and Assessment of Online and Distance Learning
EDUC 6260 - Managing Resources
EDUC 6262 - Quality and Productivity
EDUC 6753 - Planning and Program Development of Online and Disctance Learning
EDUC 6655 - Increasing Learning and Achievement
EDUC 6617 - Teacher Leadership for Learning and Teaching
EDUC 6618 - Teacher Leadership in Professional Learning Communities
PhD, Walden University
MA, Nova Southeastern University
BS, University of South Florida