Chris Heinrich
Dr. Christopher J. Heinrich is passionate about fostering positive social change within the public policy arena. He has extensive experience researching far-right extremism, strategic planning, community outreach, and addressing social dilemmas. Committed to academic excellence, Dr. Heinrich serves as an instructor for MBA programs at two other universities. With significant executive experience in both the private and nonprofit/government sectors, he specializes in policy content creation, revision, management, and analysis. Dr. Heinrich is adept at building collaborative relationships with organizational leadership and stakeholders to establish best practices. He lives in Plymouth, Massachusetts with his family and enjoys spending time with his family, visiting museums, gardening, running, and watching cooking competition shows.
AA, North Idaho College
BA, University of Idaho
MBA, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
MPhil, Walden University
PhD, Walden University
Awards / Honors
Commendable Action, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department/James LaRochelle, 2020