Christine Karper

Contributing Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Christine Karper, Ph.D., LMHC, QCS (FL), obtained her master’s degree in mental health counseling and her Doctoral Degree in counselor education and supervision from the University of Central Florida. Dr. Karper has been serving the Central Florida Community as a Clinician and a Counselor Educator for over 20 years.
Karper is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association for Mental Health Counselors, the Florida Mental Health Counselors Association and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

As a clinician, Dr. Karper has experience working with a variety of individuals, including adults presenting with general anxiety, end-of-life issues, and depression. She has developed a specialty area in depression and anxiety disorders utilizing mindfulness and positive psychology techniques. She also enjoys assisting individuals in stress management and in developing means of coping with diverse life challenges and end-of-life issues utilizing alternative healing modalities and the gentleness of mind, body, and spirit methods.

She retired as the assistant program manager of the Integrative Medicine department at the Orlando Health Cancer Institute. In this role, Karper worked as an LMHC and helped screen patients’ psychosocial distress as they move through their treatments for cancer. She also led Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes and provided mental health counseling services at the cancer center while managing the integrative medicine department.

She is currently a program chair for the University of Phoenix in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. She also serves as an adjunct for Palm Beach Atlantic University, Rollins College, The University of Central Florida, and Walden University.
Her primary Theoretical Orientation is Rogerian with a focus on the Positive Psychology Model.

In her work in academia, she has presented both nationally and internationally and has published articles in several journals in counseling, psychology, assessment, and technology.

Her specialty areas in teaching include clinical-based courses, technology in counselor education, counseling theories, and positive psychology. She enjoys teaching in blended formats, fully online and face-to-face. Karper also works in program development, faculty development and serves as a Subject Matter Expert in curriculum development.

In her free time, Karper enjoys riding her horses and spending time in nature. She also enjoys traveling, dining out, and spending time on the water.





MA, University of Central Florida

BA, University of Central Florida

Public Service

UCF Counselor Education and Supervision Advisory Board., Board Member - Orlando


Karper, C. (2023). Support Group Training Manual for Chronic Pain Management of Cluster Headaches. . Cluster Busters, Inc.

Karper, C. M. (2013). Karper, C. (2013) Virtual role-play shows promise for addressing mental health. Featured Article in Counseling Today- a Publication of the American Counseling Association. September 13th, 2013.. Counseling Today

Karper, C. M. (2018). Karper, C., & Klein, K. (2018, October). Mindfulness for well-being. Subject Matter Experts Karper & Klein featured on the Healthy West Orange [Blog post]. Retrieved from Healthy West Orange [Blog post].


Karper, C. (2024). Preparing future counselors to deliver equitable mental health counseling services to a global society.. Mediterranean Region Counselor’s Association

Karper, C. M. (2023). The Art of Using Mindfulness for Well-Being. . Arizona Counseling Association

Karper, C. M. (2021). Assessing Cancer Patients’ Psychosocial Needs.. Orlando Health Cancer Institute

Karper, C. M. (2022). Dealing with Grief and Loss: Counseling Cancer and COVID-19 Patients with Empirically Supported Biobehavioral Programs and Integrated Care Models.. UCF

Karper, C. M. (2022). Managing the Stress of Chronic Illness During the COVID-19 Pandemic Utilizing Integrated Care. . University of Central Florida