Charlotte Fontenot
Dr. Charlotte Fontenot received a BS in Education, Curriculum and Instruction; Elementary Self Contained and Elementary Math, Texas Southern University; MEd in Generic Special Education from Texas Southern University; MEd in Education Administration at Prairie View A & M University; and her EdD in Educational Leadership, from Sam Houston State University. Dr. Fontenot has worked in the higher education system for over 13 years and 15 years in Pre-K – 12 education system . Dr. Fontenot’s’ teaching focus stems around broadening the knowledge base of educators possessing zeal in servicing students with unique needs under the special education umbrella. During her service in the public school system, she taught as a Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities and Fifth grade educator, as well as serving as a district-wide Behavior Support Specialist. Dr. Fontenot's research interests are in the areas of Autism and inclusion. Current research endeavors includes integrating technology into instruction, with primary interest on the utilization of the iPad and importance of effective collaboration between home and school.
Courses Taught
EDUC 6693 - Current Issues in Assessment and Intervention
EDUC 6605 - Teacher as Lifelong Learners and Professional Educator
EDUC 6606 - Today’s Classroom
EDUC 6607 - Effective Practices: Assessment, Teaching and Learning
EDUC 6696 - Instructional Strategies for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
EDUC 6695 - Planning Positive Behavior Support Strategies
EDUC 6683 - Individualizing Education for Students with Disabilities
EDUC 6608 - Classroom Management
EdD, Sam Houston State University
MEd, Prairie View A & M University
MEd, Prairie View A & M University
BS, Texas Southern University
Public Service
Texas Division of Early Childhood, Board Member - Houston
Student Chapter for CEC, Other - Houston
Fontenot, C., Spoede, J., Houser, M. (2017). iPad, Technology Integration, Instructional Development, Delivery of Instruction, and Collaboration, P-12.. International Journal of Education-Online,
Spoede, J., Fontenot, C., Simpson, C. (2016). The Role of the Special Educator in the Inclusive Classroom. Advances in Special Education
Fontenot, C., Peltier-Glaze, B., Grant, V., Thomas, D. (2018). Role of educators: Impact on Student Learning Developmen. The National Journal of Urban Education & Practice
Fontenot, C., Hines, M., Reed, D., Nero, R. (2018). White teachers’ perception of giftedness among African American students.. The Journal of the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators
Fontenot, C. L., Nero, R., Reed, D., Butcher, J. (2020). Get Out: The Intersection of Race, Gender, and the Sunken Place in Academia.. NAAAS
Fontenot, C. (2018). Strengths and Weaknesses: We All Have Them!.
Fontenot, C., Woodbury, C. (2018). Universal Design for Learning and Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners. . New Tribes Mission
Fontenot, C., Spoede, D. J., Simpson, D. C. (2017). “The Role of the Special Educator in the Inclusive Classroom”. Texas CEC
Fontenot, C., Kyzar, K., Beavers, E., Ward, H. (2017). Instructional Recommended Practices for Teaching Young CHildren with Special Needs. Texas Work Force