Bruce Lindsay
My name is Bruce Lindsay. I have a B.A. In Philosophy with a minor from the Metropolitan State College of Denver, a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Colorado at Denver, and a PhD in Energy and Environmental Policy with a specialization in Disaster Policy from the University of Delaware.
I live in Washington DC and since 2008 I have worked full-time as a policy analyst for the Congressional Research Service (CRS). My main area of expertise at CRS is homeland security and emergency management policy. As a policy analyst at CRS I advise Members of Congress and their Staff on emergency management policy issues and provide them with memoranda, reports, and briefings on a variety of topics related to homeland security and emergency management policy in the United States.
Courses Taught
MMPA 6832 6832 - Public Policy and Finance
PhD, University of Delaware
MPA, University of Colorado
BA, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Public Service
Adult Learning Source, Volunteer - Denver
Awards / Honors
Bernard L. Turner Award, Walden University, 2016
Congressional Research Service Special Achievement, ProfessionalActivities, 2010
Delaware General Assembly Research Grant, University of Delaware, 2007
University of Delaware Graduate Fellowship, University of Delaware, 2008
, Walden University, 2017
Lindsay, B. (2017). FEMA’s Preliminary Damage Assessment Process. Overview and Issues for Congress.
Lindsay, B. (2016). SBA and CDBG-DR Duplication of Benefits in the Administration of Disaster Assistance: Background Policy Issues, and Options for Congress.
Lindsay, B. (2017). Stafford Act Assistance and Acts of Terrorism.
Lindsay, B. (2012). Federal appropriations for Disater Relief. Federal Emergency Management Agency
Lindsay, B. (2018). Federal Disaster Assistance 101. Congressional Research Service
Lindsay, B. (2013). Stafford Act Declarations. Federal Emergency Management Agency