Brandi Williams

Core Faculty
College of Nursing
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Dr. Brandi Williams is a contributing faculty for Walden University, College of Nursing. Dr. Williams has been in health care for over a decade. She earned her B.S. from University of Florida. B.S.N. from Jacksonville University. M.P.H. Degree from Florida International University and D.N.P. from the University of Minnesota.

Her clinical practice has been primarily in adult and child adolescent mental health, although she has worked in mental health, medical-surgical, Burn-ICU, community health and long-term care nursing. Her interest areas in education include curriculum development as well as assessment of learning, and leadership development. She is a member of the American Nurses Association, American Psychiatric Nurses Association, and Sigma Theta Tau International.


DNP, University of Minnesota

MPH, FL. Intl. University

BSN, Jacksonville University

BS, University of Florida

Awards / Honors

Veterans Hospital & Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN) 8: Nursing, Veteran Affairs, 2017