Beth Garretson

Beth C. Garretson Received her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at the University of Michigan-Flint in December of 2015. She currently serves as Core Faculty in the College of Nursing at Walden University since February 2019. She teaches Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Lifespan for the Graduate Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner Track. Her teaching experience at other universities includes Advanced Health Assessment, Advanced Pharmacology, Advanced Nursing Theory, Advanced Practice Roles, Health Policy, Family Health and Adult Gerontology Primary Care Practicum, Advanced Nursing Research and Graduate Capstone Seminar. Dr. Garretson is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner through the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She is a licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in the states of Minnesota (# 6983, since January 2019) and Michigan (# 4704180338, since October 2000). Her clinical practice experience as a family nurse practitioner includes providing primary care to vulnerable populations such as Native Americans and uninsured Americans, as well as working in the retail clinic setting. Currently in her clinical practice she serves as a clinical coordinator for a large urban medical and surgical weight loss program.
Courses Taught
NRNP 6531 - Primary Care of Adults Across the Lifespan - Didactic
PRAC 6531 - Primary Care of Adults Across the Lifespan - Practicum
BSN, University of Michigan
MSN, Michigan State University
DNP, University of Michigan Flint
Public Service
ASMBS Walk From Obesity, Organizer - Detroit
Suzan G Koman Breast Cancer 3 Day, Volunteer - Detroit
Coleman, S., Garretson, B., Whebe-Alamah, H., McFarland, M., Wood, M. (2016). RESPECT: Reducing 30-day Emergency Department Visits and Readmissions of Bariatric Surgical Patients Effectively Through Cultural Competency Training of Nurses. Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare
Wood, M., Kroll, J., Garretson, B. (2013). A comparison of outcomes between the traditional laparoscopic and totally robotic roux en y gastric bypass procedures. . Journal of Robotic Surgery
Coleman, S. (2016). RESPECT: Reducing 30-day emergency department visits and readmissions of bariatric surgical patients effectively through cultural competency training of nurses. . Michigan Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Collaborative
Garretson, B. (2014). Pain Management Issues in the Morbidly Obese Patient Population. . Detroit Anesthesiology Association