Ari Jain

Contributing Faculty
College of Management and Human Potential
Ph.D. Management

Dr. Jain has been at Walden University since the Fall of 2005, and in the past, has worked mostly with students who were in the Operations Research and Engineering Management options. Now his focus is working with students on their statistical analysis and quantitative methods.

He has a Ph.D. in Statistics and Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. He has been a practicing Statistician since 1967. He joined Bell Laboratories in October 1967. While at Bell Labs, during 1967-1983, he made a broad range of technical contributions: modeled computer performance, developed sampling plans for measurement of billing accuracy, designed experiments for optimum phrasing of telephone-intercept messages, and estimated telecom demand in the health-care segment. These contributions had a major impact on the design of telecommunications systems and provided estimates of potential demand for making important decisions on offerings of new telecommunications services.

During 1984-1996, he was at Bellcore, where he provided industry consulting on reliability of electronic equipment and conducted Reliability Review Forums (RRFs) for tracking the reliability performance of Telecom products. During 1997-2001, he returned to Bell labs in Lucent Technologies, where he conducted reliability studies of several Lucent products and represented Lucent in the Measurements Working Group of the Telecom Industry specific TL 9000 Forum on quality and reliability standards and IEEE Reliability Prediction Working Group.

During 2003 – 2013, he has taught at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). At NJIT, he was the director of the Statistics program and coordinator of the Statistical Consulting Lab during 2009 – 2013. He has also taught statistics during the last 30+ years at Bell Labs, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Monmouth University.

In addition to mentoring doctoral students and serving on dissertation committees, he has taught numerous courses in quantitative methods. Recently, he has taught Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis courses - RSCH-8200 (now RSCH-8201) and RSCH-8250 (now RSCH-8260) many times.

Courses Taught

RSCH 8201 - Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis

RSCH 8260 - Advanced Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis


PhD, Purdue University

MS, Indian Statistical Institute

BS, Delhi University

Public Service

Monmouth County social Services, Volunteer - Lincroft

Awards / Honors

Best Continuing Tutorial Award (2000), Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2000

Outstanding Presentation Award at the Annual meeting of ASA, American Statistical Association, 1980


Jain, A. K., Ihde, E., Nyirenda, T., Loh, M., Artigas, F., Hobble, C., Elefante, D., Kojak, S., Shin, J., Rosen, L. (2014). Mapping Contaminants Associated with Autism a Public Health Pilot in New Jersey . Journal of Geographic Information System


Jain, A. K. (2002). Development of Quality Index for TL 9000 Measurements. IEEE