Tonya Bauman

Born and raised in Russia, Tonya received her education and work experience while living in Fairbanks, Alaska; Honolulu, Hawaii; Guildford, United Kingdom, Emporia, Kansas, USA; and now Mt. Pleasant, SC.
Courses Taught
IG 003 - Climate for Creativity
IG 004 - Innovative Solutions in the Workplace
MEd, Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute
MBA, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
PhD, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK
Muldoon, J., Bauman, A., Lucy, C. (2018). Entrepreneurial ecosystem: do you trust or distrust?. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
Muldoon, J., Bauman, A. (2016). Ethics and Closing a Business. Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal
Bauman, A., Bachmann, R. (2017). Online consumer trust: Trends in research. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation
Bauman, A., Zheng, J., Zhou, J. (2016). Online Trust and Financial Performance: a Case of Online Bookstores. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness
Bauman, A. (2016). Online Trust Cues: Perceptions and Application. Journal of International Technology and Information Management
Diers, L., Bauman, A., Xu, H. (2017). Quality of Accounting Information for Small Businesses. The Journal of Global Business Management
Bauman, A. (2016). Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Technology in Cross-Cultural Communication.. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
Bauman, A. (2015). The Use of the Repertory Grid Technique in Online Trust Research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal
Stetz, T., Bauman, A. (2013). Reasons to Rethink the Use of Audio and Video Lectures in Online Courses. Higher Learning Research Communications