Angeleque Akin-little

Dr. Angeleque Akin-Little is a contributing faculty member and course architect in the Program in Applied Behavior Analysis in the Department of Psychology. She was born and raised in Houston, Texas and Tupelo, Mississippi. She received her B.A. in History and three Clear California teaching credentials (single subject social studies, English, and multiple subjects--all credentials still current) from San Francisco State University in 1988 and 1991 respectively. She obtained her M.S. in Psychology in 1997 and her Ph.D. in School Psychology in 1999 both from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has been teaching for over 20 years at the graduate level. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and a licensed psychologist in New York, California, and New Zealand. She is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the doctoral level. Academically, she has held faculty positions at Hofstra University, The University at Albany, University of the Pacific, Massey University (New Zealand) and Walden University (contributing faculty). Prior to relocating to New York in August of 2012, she was employed as a contract psychologist with the New Zealand Ministry of Education (MoE) and a liaison between the MoE and the New Zealand Ministry of Health (MoH). She maintains permanent residency status in New Zealand. She is owner of Akin-Little and Little Behavioral Psychology Consultants and the Svarcanas Centre. Dr. Akin-Little has published extensively in the psychology literature including three edited books, served on several editorial boards of major Psychology Journals, and served as Secretary of Division 16 (School Psychology) from 2003-2006. Her research interests involve meta analytic research, applied behavior analysis in general and its use with more holistic forms of intervention (e.g., mindfulness, breathwork and bodywork). Also, a combination of the aforementioned and survivors of trauma. She is a certified yoga instructor with particular interest beyond simple asana practice and a professional singer.
PhD, University of Southern Mississippi
MA, University of Southern Mississippi
Postbaccalaureate Certificate, San Francisco State University
BA, San Francisco State University