A Bhatt

Dr. Ami Bhatt has been at Walden University since 2012 teaching in the leadership and nursing informatics tracks on the traditional side. She works primarily as Core faculty in CBE with Tempo. Her education includes a BSN, MSN, DNP and PhD in nursing, as well as an MBA in healthcare management. She has a passion for teaching and innovation in nursing and enjoys collaboration with students for robust discussions on the future of nursing and technology. She believes that guiding nurses with education helps to create future leaders and innovators in nursing.
Courses Taught
NURS 6051 - Transforming Nursing and Healthcare
NURS 6421 - Supporting Workflow in HC
Tempo Informatics series - IF, TN
BSN, Wayne State University
MSN/MBA/HCM, University of Phoenix
DNP, Oakland University
PhD, Barry University
Public Service
Domestic Violence shelter, Volunteer - Pontiac
Awards / Honors
Faculty Excellence Award, Western Governors University, 2013
Bhatt, A. A. (2015). Efective Collaboration and Communication in Hospice Care. Palliative Medicine and care: Open Access
Bhatt, A. A. (2018). Evaluation of a Physician Blood Utilization Program. Journal of Informatics Nursing
Bhatt, A. A. (2019). Chapter 13-Information Security and Confidentiality.
Bhatt, A. A. (2021). Nursing Education during a pandemic: Perspectives of students and faculty . Journal of Nursing Education and Practice