Amanda Costin
Though originally from Yorktown Heights, NY (a suburb of New York City), Dr. Costin now lives in Northampton, Massachusetts with her family. Dr. Costin earned her PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Kent State University. Her Master's degree is in Community and School Counseling from the University of Virginia. Dr. Costin’s Bachelor's degree is in Psychology and Political Science from the University of Vermont. She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified School Counselor in Massachusetts and credentialed as an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS). Dr. Costin has enjoyed a variety of counseling work experiences including college/university counseling, school counseling, community agency counseling, clinical supervision, and private practice. Since 1999, Dr. Costin has taught at several colleges and universities including land based, blended and online teaching. Dr. Costin is very passionate about online education as the future of higher education. Dr, Costin has been teaching graduate level courses in counseling since 2000. At Walden, Dr. Costin teaches in the School of Counseling. Dr. Costin is a member of the American Counseling Association.
Courses Taught
COUN 6722 - Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories
COUN 6101 - Foundations in Counseling
COUN 6100 - Introduction to Mental Health Counseling
BA, The University of Vermont
MEd, The University of Virginia
PhD, Kent State University
Awards / Honors
Applause Award for Excellence in Teaching, Kent St, , 2001
Association for Specialists in Group Work Scholars, ASGW, 1998
Campus President's Citation for Excellence, Cuyaho, , 2003
Graduate School of Education Outstanding Dissertation, Kent State University, 2000
Graduate Student Senate Research Grant, Kent State, , 2000
Harold Abel Distinguished Faculty Award, Capell, , 2006
Judith A. DeTrude Professional Recognition Award, Kent State University, 2000
Outstanding Orientation Instructor Award, Kent State, , 1998
Target Take Charge of Education Teachers Scholarship, , 2000
The University of Virginia Scholarship for Leaders, , 1991
Costin, A., Page, B., Kerr, D., Symons, C., Pietrzak, D. (2002). HIV/AIDS knowledge and beliefs among pre-service and in-service school counselors. Professional School Counseling
Yick-Flanagan, A., Costin, A., Patrick, P. (2005). Navigating distance and traditional higher education: Online faculty experiences. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning
Patrick, P. K., Costin, A. (2006). Research applications to counseling practice: Issues and outcome measures.