Alexis Wilkerson

Contributing Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Dr. Wilkerson, a native of Southampton County, Virginia, is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioner in Virginia. Further, she is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina. She holds the National Certified Counselor credentials from the National Board for Certified Counselors. Dr. Wilkerson has six years of experience providing counseling involving addiction and mental health counseling, perinatal mental health, and integrated behavioral health services. She has five years of experience in counselor education and clinical supervision in person and remotely. Dr. Wilkerson’s clinical work, facilitation of training, and supervision of counseling students encompass providing those services in diverse clinical and educational settings.

In 2020, Dr. Wilkerson was awarded a research grant by the Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health to complete her dissertation on using psychoeducational groups to treat psychopathology succeeding child sexual abuse. In 2021, Dr. Wilkerson joined the NBCC Foundation family as a 2020 Center for Credentialing and Education Approved Clinical Supervisor training award recipient.

Courses Taught

COUN 6720 - Diagnosis and Assessment

COUN 6671 - Counseling Practicum

COUN 6682 - Counseling Internship

CPLB 601 - CMHC Pre-Practicum I

CPLB 602 - CMHC Pre-Practicum II


BS, Chowan University

MS, East Carolina University

PhD, Old Dominion University

Awards / Honors

Michelle Dowdy Emerging Leader Award , Virginia Counselors Association , 2019

Grant Award for Clinical Research Reviews On Group Psychotherapy, Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health, 2020

Scholarship to the 2020 PSI Virtual Conference, PSI and Perinatal Mental Health Alliance for People of Color , 2020

CCE Approved Clinical Supervisor Training Award, National Board for Certified Counselor, 2021


Wilkerson, A. L. (2020). Educational advances: Accounting for addiction and pregnancy treatment in counseling programs. Chi Sigma Iota Exemplar

Wilkerson, A. L., Dice, T. (2021). Research review: Psychoeducational groups for the treatment of PTSD for adult survivors of child sexual abuse. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy

Tarver, S., Winfield, C., Preston, J., Wilkerson, A., Shorter, I. (2021). A qualitative examination of the preparedness of African American pastors to address issues of addictions.

Wilkerson, A. L. A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis of Psychoeducational Groups for the Treatment of Psychopathology Resulting from Child Sexual Abuse.


Wilkerson, A. L. (2018). Teaching substance abuse courses through a social justice lens: A constructivist approach.

Wilkerson, A. L. (2020). A meta-analysis and systemic review of psychoeducational groups for survivors of child sexual abuse.

Wilkerson, A. L., Brown, N., Richels, C. (2021). The Use of Psychoeducational Groups to Treat Psychopathology Resulting from Child Sexual Abuse.