Job interviews can make even the most experienced professional feel anxious, and video interviews can be even more nerve-wracking. After all, now you have to deal with technology in addition to an interview! Take a deep breath and prepare for success with the top 10 tips for video interviews.
Get all the details. When the job interview is scheduled, find out more than just the date and the time. Check to see what software will be used for the video interview: Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or something else. Also ask who will be interviewing you so you’re prepared for a one-on-one interview or a group interview.
Download/update the software. If you don’t have the software for the interview, download it in advance. If you do have the software, update it prior to the interview. You don’t want to be late for your video interview due to a software update that you can’t control!
Prepare your background. Think about what the camera will show and make sure the focus is on you. Clear away any clutter that will show up next to you or behind you on the camera. Temporarily move any photographs or distracting artwork. Close doors and/or curtains to present a neutral background. Some interview software allows you to blur your background, which can be a good option. But don’t use a virtual background—that can be distracting.
Test your equipment. Well before your interview, test out your equipment using the interview software. Some software allows you to do a test on your own, but other software may require you to set up an online meeting with a friend in order to test it. Ensure that you can hear your friend and that your friend can hear you; adjust the volume if necessary. Make sure your camera is working well and that the image isn’t blurry. You may need to play with the camera settings or compare your options if you have a desktop computer, laptop, and/or a tablet. Choose whichever technology will work best with the interview software.
Position your camera. While you’re testing your equipment, adjust your camera position. You don’t want the angle to make it look as though you’re looking down on your interviewers, nor do you want to be looking up. And while you don’t want the camera to show too much of your background, neither do you want it to show an extreme close-up of your face. You should be in the center of the camera’s view, with your eyes about one-third of the way below the top of the frame, while avoiding cutting off the top of your head.
Determine your focal point. It can be difficult to know where to look when you’re video interviewing. Resist the urge to stare at your own image. Look at the camera—to your interviewers, it will look as if you’re looking at them. If that feels odd, put a post-it with a smiley face or a photo of someone you love by the camera so you can focus on that instead of the lens. But be sure to glance at the video image of your interviewers, too, from time to time. That will give you an opportunity to gauge their body language and determine if you need to elaborate on an answer or reply more succinctly.
Practice! To get more comfortable, practice, practice, practice. Look up typical job interview questions and practice your answers while you also work on your tweaking your equipment and testing out your focal point. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel during the actual interview. Be sure to practice at the same time of day as you will be video interviewing to check the lighting. If you’re in a shadow, turn on lights. If your image is too bright, close the curtains or blinds.
Pick your outfit. Even though your interviewers will likely only see you from the waist up, don’t wear sweatpants for your interview! If you have to stand up for some reason, you don’t want to be embarrassed by what you’re wearing. Dress for success in a business or business casual outfit, depending on what resonates with the company’s culture. But even if the company’s employees wear a T-shirt and jeans, dress professionally for your video interview.
Log in early. Be sure to log in early for your job interview. You never know when a software update or technology glitch might cause an unexpected delay. If you’re early, you’ll have plenty of time to handle any issues.
Relax! Take a nice, deep, letting-go breath and smile. Remember, you were selected for this job interview because the company wants to get to know you better. Relax and focus on presenting the reasons why you’re a great fit for the position. The interviewers want you to be the right person for the job. Show them that you are!
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