Human services professional in a meeting with other community leaders.

Doctor of Human Services
Prevention, Intervention, and Advocacy

Build advanced-level skills that empower you to increase your impact as a human services practitioner.

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  • Step 2: Contact Information

Doctor of Human Services
Prevention, Intervention, and Advocacy

Ready to Get Started?

Fill out the form and we will contact you to provide information about furthering your education.

Please use our International Form if you live outside of the U.S.

  • Current Step 1: About You
  • Step 2: Contact Information

Build an Education Plan, Suited for You

Create and download your comprehensive plan with scholarships, financial aid, credit transfer, and more!


Build an Education Plan, Suited for You

Create and download your comprehensive plan with scholarships, financial aid, credit transfer, and more!

Program Details

Take a Closer Look

Learn more about Walden’s DHS Prevention, Intervention, and Advocacy specialization, from our streamlined admissions requirements to our rigorous curriculum.

CurriculumRequirementsCostTotal *
Tuition-Coursework48 quarter credits $670 per quarter hour for coursework credits$32,160^
Tuition-Doctoral Study/Project 20-120 quarter credits$670 per quarter hour for dissertation credits$13,400–$80,400*
Program Fee $180 per quarter$1,440–$5,760*
Estimated Range:  2-Year Minimum8-Year Maximum
   (assuming completion in a 2-year time frame)(assuming completion in an 8-year time frame)

These are ranges of what a student can expect in terms of time and tuition cost to complete a degree. It does not include other fees, nor is it adjusted for tuition increases over time. Walden faculty has concluded that generally students who do not complete their program in eight years are unlikely to complete and only allow students to exceed that time frame when a student petitions for an extension and provides good reason for the delay and assurances that obstacles to completion can be overcome. Time is calculated using the time allowed for each semester or unit that the student completes. Students are encouraged to work continuously during the program so as not to extend the time needed to complete the degree as work can become stale and students lose focus. Students who earn two grades of “Unsatisfactory,” who repeatedly drop a course before a semester or unit has been completed or are unable to complete in the eight year time frame, should expect that they may be dismissed from the program. Walden believes that it is in the best interest of a student who is unable to complete the degree in the stated ranges to strongly consider withdrawal or obtaining a lesser degree.

Time to completion and cost are not estimates of individual experience and will vary based on individual factors applicable to the student. Factors may be programmatic or academic such as tuition and fee increases and/or the student’s transfer credits accepted by Walden; program or specialization changes; unsuccessful course completion; credit load per term; writing, research and editing skills; use of external data for their doctoral study/dissertation; and/or individual progress in the program. Other factors may include personal issues such as the student’s employment obligations; care giving responsibilities or health issues; part-time vs. full-time enrollment; leaves of absence; and/or other personal circumstances.

Tuition and fees are subject to change. Books and materials are not included. Students may incur additional costs for remedial writing assistance, if necessary.

^This assumes students successfully complete their coursework on the first attempt.

Based on a 2-year minimum completion requirement and an 8-year maximum timeframe as outlined in Walden academic policy.

*Tuition and fees will be higher if students petition to extend the 8-year maximum timeframe or choose to take more expensive elective courses.

+Tuition and time to complete may be reduced if transfer credits are accepted, or if you receive grants, scholarships or other tuition discounts. For a personalized estimate of the number of your transfer credits that Walden would accept, call an Enrollment Specialist at 844-642-0198.

Program Outcomes

Career Outlook

Whether you want to teach in academia or start your own nonprofit agency, a Doctor of Human Services degree can empower you to reach your potential as a human services leader, researcher, or educator. You’ll be ready to pursue opportunities in a range of settings, from hospitals and universities to government agencies and social assistance organizations.

Through the Human Services Hub of our Career Center, Walden is here to support your success. We’ll show you how to build a professional portfolio that demonstrates your expertise to future employers. You’ll also find resources on effective networking, job search best practices, and other approaches that can help you take the next step in your human services career.