Ashley French

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
School of Psychology
M.S. Forensic Psychology

Dr. Ashley T. French currently serves as a part-time contributing faculty in the College of Psychology and Community Services for Walden University. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Utah State University. Additionally, she holds a Master of Science in Administration of Justice as well as a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the University of Louisville (Go Cards!). Her prior research focused on correctional staff burnout, suicidality, and trauma. Current research areas include law enforcement retention, recruitment, and mental health. Her recent publications in the Police Chief were focused on mentoring in law enforcement as well as recruitment and retention strategies. Dr. French resides in Kentucky and enjoys watching HGTV, hiking, and spending time with family.


PhD, University of Louisville

MS, University of Louisville

BA, Utah State University


French, A. (2023). Improving recruitment. Strategies for law enforcement agencies. Police Chief Magazine

French, A. (2023). The importance of mentorship programs for law enforcement. Police Chief Magazine


French, A. (2019). An Exploration of Social Support as a Mediator between Exposure to Violence and Trauma on PTSD among Institutional Correctional Staff. American Society of Criminology

French, A. (2017). Disentangling the Effects of Trauma Experienced at Work and at Home and the Mental Health of Correctional Staff. American Society of Criminology

French, A. (2016). The Forgotten Ones: Exploring the Pervasiveness and Correlates of PTSD among Correctional Staff. American Society of Criminology