Marian Swindell
Dr. Swindell received both her MSW and PhD in Social Work from the University of Alabama. Her undergraduate degree was received in Political Science from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. She has been in higher education for over 20 years. Her role at Walden University is to serve part-time in a core faculty teaching position in the MSW position. Her most recent and pivotal career accomplishment is to assess a capital murder case, looking at brain trauma suffered in childhood, which in part resulted in the re-opening of the case. This is Dr. Swindell's pinnacle accomplishment in her 30+ career.
PhD, University of Alabama
MSW, University of Alabama
Public Service
Mississippi State Guard, Member - Walnut Grove
Gaits to Greatness, President - Meridian
Awards / Honors
Mississippi State Guard Award of Merit, Mississippi State Guard, 2018
Service Recognition Award, Mississippi State University, 2007
Social Work Faculty Dean's Community Award, Mississippi State University, 2009
Social Work Faculty Service Recognition Award, Mississippi State University, 2010
One Who Cares, Lauderdale County, MS, 2014
Swindell, M. L. (2014). Compassionate Competence: A New Model for Social Work. The New Social Worker
Swindell, M. L. (2014). Exploited Childhood. The New Social Worker
Swindell, M. (2015). Hopeful Hearts: Forever Families/Providing Their Own Permanency: Foster Teens Warily Eye Marriage, Parenthood.. Chronicle of Social Change
Swindell, M. L. (2016). Ruby Milk. The New Social Worker
Swindell, M. (2013). Social Work Revolution Starts with Pregnancy Prevention. Chronicle of Social Change
Swindell, M. (2013). Teen Pregnancy: Some Unconventional Ideas for Prevention. Chronicle of Social Change
Swindell, M. (2014). The Miracle within Michael: A Barn, A Boy, and A Horse. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping
Swindell, M. (2016). Two Peas in a Seperated Pod: A True Story of Adopted . The New Social Worker
Swindell, M. L. (2015). Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children: Creative Ideas for Therapy, Life Story Work. Book Review. The New Social Worker, 22(3), 33-34.; You do not have access to modify this field.Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children: Creative Ideas for Therapy, Life Story Work.. The New Social Worker
Swindell, M. L. (2014). Witness to Resilience. The New Social Worker
Swindell, M. (2014). Awareness and Understanding in the Interview Process. Tuskegee University
Swindell, M. (2016). Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome.. NASW
Swindell, M. (2015). Compassionate Competence: Infusing Culture into Compassion. Mississippi Conference on Social Welfare
Swindell, M. (2017). Crisis Intervention for Families and Children. Mississippi State Guard
Swindell, M. (2017). Disaster Basics from a Social Work Perspective. Mississippi State Guard
Swindell, M. L. (2016). Ethical Considerations in the Forensic Interviewing Process. Jackson State University
Swindell, M. (2017). Holiday Stress and Suicide. Mississippi State Guard
Swindell, M. (2017). How a Mother’s Love Impacts the Brain . JSU
Swindell, M. (2017). Internet Pornography Superhighway: Prevention Methods. . Jackson State University
Swindell, M. (2017). Reclaiming Faith with Foster Care Children. JSU
Swindell, M. (2015). Resume Prep and Interviewing Skills for Graduates. University of Southern Mississippi
Swindell , M. (2017). See........ I Told You She was Lying. JSU
Swindell, M. (2017). Social Work and Mass Care. Mississippi State Guard
Swindell, M. (2016). Spinning Your Classroom: Centering Your Students. 3rd Annual East Mississippi Center for Educational Development Conference
Swindell, M. (2017). Suicide and PTSD Awareness. Mississippi State Guard
Swindell, M. (2015). The Brain is the New Face of Social Work. Mississippi Conference on Social Welfare