Julia Burns
Julia Burns, Ph.D., M.S.W.
Ph.D., Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, Boston, MA 2004
M.S.W. Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, Boston, MA 1993
M.A. Theology St. Joseph’s College, Standish, Me 2016
B.S. Sociology/Psychology, Suffolk University, Boston, MA 1991
Professional Background
Dr. Burns brings experience in teaching across clinical content courses, including
Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Social Work Groups, Social Work
Practice I-II, and Advanced Clinical Practice I-II. She has been a practicing social
worker in Maine for 30 years. Previously, she was a private consultant working with
social service agencies, assisting with accreditation, licensing, and developing and
coordinating clinical programs.
Consulting and Professional Activity
Dr Burns has always been firmly committed to our military and those adapting to
traumatic experiences. She is a volunteer instructor for the American Red Cross of Maine
as a Mental Health Disaster Relief volunteer. In addition, she volunteers through the
Give an Hour Organization to provide free mental health services to military families.
PhD, Boston College
MSW, Boston College
MA, St. Joseph's College
BS, Suffolk University