Jeannie Harper
Dr. Jeannie Harper has extensive experience practicing and teaching in nursing education. She earned her MSN in Nursing Education, and PhD in Adult Education, and has taught undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students in nursing theory and clinical. Dr. Harper has served as Program Coordinator for Nurse Educator, Nurse Leaders and RN-BSN programs, and has extensive experience in course and curriculum development. She currently serves as the Manager of Nursing Professional Practice and Magnet Program Director at a local hospital. In this role, she leads Magnet designation, chairs the nursing research council, assists nurses throughout the the hospital with professional development. With a passion for improving patient outcomes and supporting nursing and interdisciplinary education, she has also served as Professional Development Coordinator for Educational Services and enjoys staff development. She has a passion for supporting and mentoring nurses at all levels and assisting others with personal and professional growth. At Walden, Dr. Harper teaches in the MSN Nurse Educator track.
Dr. Harper’s research interest include new graduate nurses, nurse educators, and maternal/newborn nursing. She has presented at local, state and national conferences, and has several peer reviewed publications. Most recently, Dr. Harper has collaborated in the development of the Transition-to-Practice for new hire RN’s and Preceptor Workshops.
PhD, Louisiana State University
MSN, Southeastern Louisiana University
BSN, Southeastern Louisiana University